Why can't we change our profile pictures?


Active member
I hope I am not disappointing anyone here, but I just want to say that why can't we change our profile pictures? It feels so boring to see people have letter or number as their picture with a random color like Google. Only 1% of Trainz members or a select few have an actual PFP. E.g. norfolksouthern37, stevelerro, ZecMurphy (He's a mod, don't be surprised), Therock. The 99% rest are boring vague pictures. There is NO option for changing your PFP. So...when will there be an option to change your boring old letter into something that actually means something?

PS I also think profile picture change is only for special members
To be fair. This is a reason I miss the old VBulletin forums. You used to be able to select from a list of locomotive gifs to be your profile picture.
My guess is that N3V doesn't want to moderate it, so they're only unlocking that feature for people they know. Over on the old boards, you could only choose from a pre-approved list. Maybe XenForo doesn't have that kind of functionality?

All speculation, of course. I don't pretend to know anything.

I was only able to change mine when the forums first switched over, but at the same time I couldn't post in about half the sub-forums. When I brought that up I gained the ability to post but lost the ability to change it anymore. :unsure:
ZecMurphy (He's a mod, don't be surprised)
I am a Moderator, he is not. He is an Administrator and an actual employee of N3V (which I am not). Pretty big difference between those two, both in salary and in permissions.

We had this discussion already. N3V has (for now) chosen not to allow it.
I think there are more important things in Trainz and the forum that need attention first before being bothered about a profile picture. Like, for example, showing which version people have. But that's just my personal opinion.
My guess is that N3V doesn't want to moderate it, so they're only unlocking that feature for people they know. Over on the old boards, you could only choose from a pre-approved list. Maybe XenForo doesn't have that kind of functionality?

All speculation, of course. I don't pretend to know anything.


I am a Moderator, he is not. He is an Administrator and an actual employee of N3V (which I am not). Pretty big difference between those two, both in salary and in permissions.

We had this discussion already. N3V has (for now) chosen not to allow it.
I think there are more important things in Trainz and the forum that need attention first before being bothered about a profile picture. Like, for example, showing which version people have. But that's just my personal opinion.
Yes.... said before that I hope I am not disappointing anyone

I was only able to change mine when the forums first switched over, but at the same time I couldn't post in about half the sub-forums. When I brought that up I gained the ability to post but lost the ability to change it anymore. :unsure:

To be fair. This is a reason I miss the old VBulletin forums. You used to be able to select from a list of locomotive gifs to be your profile picture.
But from what I read, posting on forums were limited at that time. Now, you can freely post
I am a Moderator, he is not. He is an Administrator and an actual employee of N3V (which I am not). Pretty big difference between those two, both in salary and in permissions.

We had this discussion already. N3V has (for now) chosen not to allow it.
I think there are more important things in Trainz and the forum that need attention first before being bothered about a profile picture. Like, for example, showing which version people have. But that's just my personal opinion.
While N3V’s current stance is noted, it’s reasonable to remain optimistic about future possibilities.
Hm. Is it really necessary to have a own avatar picture? Its a nice feature, but necessary? It won't guarantee better contents in the threads, or do they?
If we all thoink this thing focused, we see, that this is more a self expressing feature (for the own well feeling) then a really necessary feature.
And additionally have thought on all the creator rights of the used pictures. There are o many (semi-AI-)bots on the run which search for picturerights on the way. Caring this needs personal capacities with hight cost and some good knowledg about the different laws worldwide for this rights. And some lawyers are specialised to earn mony for dissuasions.
So N3V minimises the rsik of that by disabling our own avatar pictures.
I myself understand this at all.