
I also hate the fact that whenever your train derails, the camera goes into "Free Roam" view.
But free roaming after a derailment allows me to see what went wrong & try to work out why, even if the whole session is on AI.

I don' think the people (well most people) want to turn it into a game where the main purpose is to focus & make collisions. It's more the way that a derailment/collision is portrayed.

If their are some Trainz users that want to focus on making derailments/collisions, derailments, etc ARE accidents, & not "on-purpose".

What would have been better was instead of a whole train derailing, only have the vehicles that would have been affected derailed, & where you could detach a loco/power car & take it back to a siding, depot, etc, or to get another loco that could attach to the non-affected cars of the derailed train, so they can be moved to a siding, depot etc.
Shouldn't happen anyways.

If a collision happens it means that somebody screwed up thier job and probaly doesn't have it anymore.:D You shouldn't be wrecking, that's rule and goal one of a railroad. Safety First.
I think the game is fine the way it is.
If a collision happens it means that somebody screwed up thier job and probaly doesn't have it anymore.:D You shouldn't be wrecking, that's rule and goal one of a railroad. Safety First.
I think the game is fine the way it is.


And I have some fine footage on DVD of a class 56 trying to tug a loaded PGA hopper out of a wood after an accident.


go for something more obvious and glaring like fixing the issue we have with rain falling in tunnels.

Well, there you go. Bounding boxes would prevent rain from going through them.

Collision detection is much more than just crashing. It would make the whole game much more realistic. Particle effects would be deflected by the bounding boxes, rain and snow wouldn't display underneath them, one could even use them to prevent the camera from going inside buildings. They'd open up hundreds of possibilities for content creators.

This is what I say. I'm fine when the train derails and the track is damaged, but what if the train is on the mainline. An option to overwrite the wreck would be nice, or even just free up the tracks.
This is what I say. I'm fine when the train derails and the track is damaged, but what if the train is on the mainline. An option to overwrite the wreck would be nice, or even just free up the tracks.
I could use this or anything to clear up derailed trains with out having to download something because i keep working on a layout where the trains usally crash ( most train drivers are AI )
Think about games with bounding boxes. MSTS isn't an incredibly violent game, and it has bounding boxes. Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 actually has things exploding, and it isn't considered violent. I have compiled a bunch of ideas in another thread that had an entire system for bounding boxes.
IT'S not about the violence but more about where you can afford to burn off processor cycles. The problem is that bounding boxes create a workload on the CPU. MSTS doesn't exactly put a fantastic load on the pc so it can afford to burn some processor cycles in bounding boxes and in the checking of such bounding boxes.

TRS, on the other hand, cannot afford to burn the cycles even with Dual-Core/Hyperthreading chips. TRS doesn't do dual-core or hyperthreading yet. if it did, you could run all the bounding boxes and physics on one core and the other core tells the rest of the machine what to do and when.

At the end of the day, with uni-processor boxes, bounding boxes are a waste of processor cycles best used for other aspects of TRS (like driving! Good train drivers don't need bounding boxes!!!!!)



PS... Dratted French keyboard again...
What would be nice is if tere was a crane that could be used for re-railing the trains after they have derailed and the track not becoming completely usless for all other trains to use without restarting the sesion. I mean I cannot be the only one who like running a session for a large amount of time and finds it anoying because until the derailment had been able to 'properly' run the railway - just a thought either one or the other or both:)
TRS doesn't do dual-core or hyperthreading yet.
Well, that's another ting Auran needs to fix. TRS2006 actuall runs worse on my new computer than my 4-year old one.
Good train drivers don't need bounding boxes!
At the very least, the derailment system needs to be redone. If I go over a switch wrongly, all of the train flies off the track, even if it's a two mile long coal drag.
Agreed LNER.

Re6rail portal is good but we need a crane. Might re-rail a few derailments I've had just loading old sessions (not sure why it happens but it seems to be after I have loaded up a container train...


Harry (now used to this french keyboard!!!)
For crying out loud, THERE WOULD HARDLY BE ANY PREFORMANCE LOSS IF WE HAD COLLISION DETECTION! MSTS has them, it's FAR older than TRS, and I used to derail ALL the time with HARDLY or NO proformance loss. And to add to that, I was running it on a LOW-END LAPTOP!

When ever i see a radio in the cab of a train i just wish it would work but i do know there is a route that has a radio i think.:)
I'm for derailments

We're not suggesting that we have a train derailment consisting of a train bursting into flames, and burning commuters splatter in all different directions.

We're suggesting that, say, if the 5:00 express goes over a switch the wrong way, it won't slide for 10+ minutes, even over mountains and through buildings. Or, if some car tries to beat a 120mph Acela train through the crossing, the train won't pass through the car.

It doesn't have to be a violent derailment, just a realistic one.

I also like the idea of not having the camera change to world view when the train derails. I think it'd be cool to be in the cab of the engine when it goes off of a cliff.
ive got an idea the best crash effects ever if 2 trains crash into one another the can explode or they get realy damaged or maby both that would be cool if you dont like it just think about it for a moment or 2 reply if you want :)
Isn't having a train crash something you want to avoid unless your some depraved 8 year old who can think of nothing better to do than make 2 trains slam into each other? I don't mind the crash effects as they are (weird though at times), I just think its kind of pointless to have major crash detail in a game where any sort of accident is meant to be avoided.

When ever i see a radio in the cab of a train i just wish it would work but i do know there is a route that has a radio i think.:)

I can fix your radio for you. Download these kuids and follow the instructions in the readme file. 39134:100832, 100834:1, 100835. Three different radio chatters or radio traffic that can be installed in the engine.
I think it would be nice to have something to rerail the train and be able to continue rather than shutting down the session or whatever and start again. In reality, Drivers don't go taking their trains cross country on pupose. It's a mistake (although at time a serious one with dire consequences) or glitch that makes things jump the track. I've had a few situations that I would have liked to have had something to rerail the train with and be able to continue rather that start again. If you want a smash derby then get the appropriate software i.e. a smash'em up drive sim or such, and play that. I'm sure we have all made a mistake in TRAINZ that would be nice to fix then get on with it.:o If you want smash, get another game, if you want to continue driving your derailed train....get a breakdown train and crew??
I would like to have that crane built-in so if you can't download it you don't have to.
what if the cars didnt go flying all over the place when the train derails... how about some realism there... its annoying to see slate trucks go flying down an inclne slope hit the buffers and go flying all the way across the map... its bothersome.... I dont like it..
Well I like that effect.
On the issue of cleaning up the mess, there are a couple of items on the DLS that can be used. One is the Derailed Vehicle Eraser which deletes the offending train. The other item (and the one I like to use) is the Re-rail Portal which cleans up the derail and sends the train out of the portal like new. :D
I have problems with that portal (details are here).
A long time ago the original power behind Trainz decided we don't need blood & gore in Trainz, hence, we don't need trains crashing into each other. I voted for the idea then and I still think it was a good one. There's too much crashing and problems in real life. Let's not bring it into Trainz...

I agree with them and with people thinking the same thing we've got too many games with gore and stuff I mean have you seen any modern pc game except for trs and msts without gore. I am really disgusted with those games with gore. The most violent that ive ever been was with rocket trains and the rolling stock that I had used wasn't even passenger cars.
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