CMP troubles


Eatibus Almost Anythingus
Hey everyone:wave:

Lately CMP has been giving me some trouble, while usually it works perfectly without any problems it has (as of today) not been downloading. I select something from the DLS and put it in the tray, or I select an asset on the DLS via CMP and put it in the tray, I hit download. Nothing. Nadda, zip, zilch. I've tried restarting my computer and I've checked that my password is correct and that I'm logged into the DLS, but alas, to no avail. Any idea as to what might be wrong?

Hello young man, I think if you do a search on the forum, you'll find that quite a few of us have been having trouble just lately, me included. I'm sure it has something to do with the internet link to Auran's DLS server, but as I am no techno geek :hehe: , I cannot be certain. I gave it a bit of a rest for a day or two and tonight I've been downloading like mad for the last 3 hours, so CMP and the DLS is definately working OK now. I did a complete re-install onto another drive ( my D drive ) which is unattached to the rest of the workings in my PC and it works like a dream now.....
Sorry to hear your having problems anyway WileeCoyote.

Cheerz. ex-railwayman. :wave:
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Yeah, Wiley - I've had a few problems of that type lately, too. Two or three times the DLS has gone down while I've been downloading. In another instance, the CMP stalled while trying to find the dependencies for what I put in its download helper (is that what you mean by the tray?) When that happened, I went direct to DLS and downloaded the wanted asset by FTP. Worked fine -- and, in fact, there was no dependency needed.
