Clear Lake Logging Classic Primer


US Narrow Gauge kuid86661
Here it is again, the legendary small narrow gauge logging route the


The CLR was created in April of 2003 and has been steaming hard ever since. It has the honor of being the highest downloaded logging route of all time on the DLS with well over 30,000 downloads to date. It has been updated over the years a couple times and has provided much enjoyment for enthusiasts with scenarios, custom objects and rolling stock.

The NEW Clear Lake Logging Classic has been in development for some time now and will once again become the premier small scale narrow gauge logging layout. It features a multitude of new custom interactive items, new locos, rolling stock and of course, great compact scenery elements providing endless hours of intensively detailed virtual model railroad logging operations.

Here are some primer shots:


The "7", a 60ton 3 truck shay at the reconstructed engine house at the Clear Lake millsite.


Looking across the lake towards the new millsite area. Many new industry items are clustered here for many operating possibilities.


Heel boom loader at the newly opened up "Cultus Mountain" operating area. The 2 truck shay #10 making her way to the loading deck.


Making the turn on the Cultus Mountain unit expansion up to the high camp.


Climbing high on the Cultus grade.


Clear Lake will sport new rolling stock items such as this interactive tank car.

A final note, everything you see here is custom made for the CLR. Nothing will be released until the CLR Classic is complete. In the true spirit of everything Trainz, the release date of course is TBA or also known as "soon"...
Anyway, enjoy.

I have your present version. The rails are worn pretty thin from excessive use. Need a new layout before I start riding on the ballast.

Is this your big announcement for February, or is another one on its way? This one, actually, is pretty good!!:)
After watching 1 1/2 hours worth of Mower Lumber Company (Cass) in it's hayday, I'm totally stoked for this (no pun intended).

Your second screenshot looks just like old mill sites I've seen on the Olympic peninsula, and that's a beautiful engine shed!
Excellent! An update to my favorite route. Lots of new toys to go with it, too. I am looking forward to its release.

can i ask slugsmasher when, or if, you ever complete your 3 truck shay?
A skin for the Mower Lumber company would be nice :rolleyes:
you all might know where this is going.
Rich, contact me at my E-mail, i have some speical plans for my first route,(NOW THIS ONE WILL BE COMPLETE!) and i will definately need your logging know how to help build it.
Also, where can i get the Hog DEM texture thingys i need?

BTW, Nice screens!