Buy From simulator Central, i wish i had not

Actually both my Visas flipped me the bird because they didn't like those 'Australian Dollars'. Paypal has the ability to do the conversion on the fly and bill my card in American. So if you are in Australia and go to a fancy restaurant, do you use your American Visa? BTW Charles thanx for following through on this.. I am the proud owner of a TS2012 serial number.
I was going to buy Train'z 2012 from simulator central, my credit union put a block on the transaction because of credit card fraud or Identity theft.

I purchased Train'z 2012 through amazon, they have great customer service.

I received my game with in three days.
Good Morning All
The issues with PayPal are only a small percentage of orders, and are relatively random. As such, we would prefer to not block anyone from being able to order (as a few have said, some credit card companies will not make payments in AUD or to an Australian company; or may require you to call them to allow such payments), and will assist anyone who has this issue and contacts us. We can't help if you don't contact us directly (please keep in mind that the forums are not our official support method, and it IS very easy to miss a thread on the forums!), as the shop can't show us orders that are missing serial numbers.

We will add the serial number, if required (e.g. the order has actually been completed) within 24-48 hours (please allow another day or so if submitted on the weekend) of your ticket being submitted.

I raised a helpdesk ticket (#IRW-607-29123) regarding having no serial number for Trainz Simulator 12 after paying via Paypal. I got a response that said it was fixed and my account now had a serial number listed, however my account in still has the "Issued when payment received" error. I replied to the ticket more than two days ago to say my problem wasn't resolved, but there has been no response. Can someone please reply to the ticket?

The ticket has now been replied to and the issue resolved, so thank you to the N3V staff reading this thread.
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That's due to where TS12 is held download server-wise (i.e. not on a N3V server)
That doesn't matter what server it is on, N3V IS still responsible, as he is buying direct from N3V Games, ie: his contract of sale is between the seller (in this case N3V) and the buyer. And yes this same rule(law) also applies to downloads. But I'm appalled that N3V's retail site is not monitored continuously. Going by what Zec says, their retail site is only monitored occasionally. Is that the case, only occasionally?

If you was buying an N3V game or ANY product from say for example, Computer Shop XYZ, then contract of sale would be between Computer Shop XYZ & the buyer.

At DonaldWM, to PayPal, the transaction was successful, and N3V should be replying on the same business day, especially since it involves money changing hands, if it's not to close to closing hours.

To use an analogy for the above, a member of this forum walks into a shop and then proceeds to the till and states they wish to pay by card for the item(s) they wanted. The assistant scans the items through the till and the forum member puts is card into the reader, enters his pin number which is accepted and to him the items have been paid for. However, the shop assistant refuses then to give our forum member the items stating “you cannot have these goods until I receive an absolute guarantee that the money is in the company’s bank account”. You will have to come back and collect them in a day or two.
I don't believe any retailer would be allowed to do that.
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Good Morning Red_Rattler
In all tickets, we include a note to allow up to 48 hours for us to reply. This is because we do not always get to reply to every ticket on a given day. Of course, we can go through every ticket (without replying) to work out which issues need to be replied to (under your suggested system) within that business day. You then spend most of your day doing this, then realise you didn't reply to 90% of the tickets, because you simply had to read everything to find those that, under your suggestion, need to be replied to today. Actually, we did try this for a day some time back when we had fewer tickets than we do now. Since we were simply reading so many tickets without replying to them (we were simply reading them to work out what the issue was), we actually replied to about 1/3 of what we do under our current system... So you would actually end up waiting longer than you do now.

We do, however, give higher priority to specific departments, due to the nature of the majority of tickets submitted to those departments. This, we've found, is the most suitable system to the nature of the helpdesk tickets that we receive.

Again, we will reply to you, in turn, as soon as possible. A person who submitted a ticket before you will get a reply before you . If there are a lot of tickets (e.g. on some Mondays), then it may take a little longer. However, so far I believe we have been keeping on top of tickets pretty well since the introduction of the new helpdesks.

As to monitoring the shop, I'm not sure exactly what we're supposed to be monitoring? Are we supposed to have an employee looking at every single order 24/7? I take it you'd be happy to see prices increase to cover this? I'm sorry, but this isn't going to happen. Actually, I know of no online shop that has someone check each and every order for issues... And again, it's not possible for us to just view orders that are missing serial numbers that should have them.

Again, IF you experience an issue with an order, please contact the helpdesk, and we will be able to look into it for you. Your ticket WILL be looked at, generally within 24-48 hours however in some situations it may take an extra day if there are a lot of tickets awaiting attention.

Hello everybody,

Reading this forum the other day I was getting rather worried about just completing a paypal payment at the discounted price. I too had not received my e-mail with the serial number, and that the payment had not been received. Then I realised that this was the first time I had signed up with paypal and that they had sent me an e-mail to ask me to activate my new account. As soon as I did that everything was ok and my serial number was sent straight away :D

I hope this helps anybody reading this.

Welcome to the forums and thank you for that bit of advice as well. Some people do forget to activate their accounts, and that kind of thing can happen as a result.

Another thing I've found with Paypal is that an unconfirmed debit/credit card will create delays in the process by anything up to 1 week, especially if you have a bank account already set up.

My only words from experience, make sure you only use one login account and email, never ever add another... it will only cause confusion and trouble.
Bought today the Trainz2009 Digital version, the one that i can buy now, no BOX Edition anymore :'( and the Trainz Heritage Pack, and i placed the order, using PayPal, sent the money, and waiting to receive the Boxed Heritage Pack and instantly going to open and add the serial, yeehaa, but SC decided to send the Serial to my old, unused and dead account that i used back in the first days of trainz to make my username, so i had to recreate it again, but no serial email was there :'(, i followed the Trainz Helpdesk tips to find the serial but it doesnt work, i cant find a way to get the serial, or resend it again

Here is a pic showing that i purchased and was going to receive the serial, so any advice would be gratefull appreciated

What can i do now??

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Bought today the Trainz2009 Digital version, the one that i can buy now, no BOX Edition anymore :'( and the Trainz Heritage Pack, and i placed the order, using PayPal, sent the money, and waiting to receive the Boxed Heritage Pack and instantly going to open and add the serial, yeehaa, but SC decided to send the Serial to my old, unused and dead account that i used back in the first days of trainz to make my username, so i had to recreate it again, but no serial email was there :'(, i followed the Trainz Helpdesk tips to find the serial but it doesnt work, i cant find a way to get the serial, or resend it again

Here is a pic showing that i purchased and was going to receive the serial, so any advice would be gratefull appreciated

What can i do now??


I don't know what Helpdesk said to do, but you should be able to log into your SC account and on the left, click "My Orders". On the right there should be a link called "View Order". It should have your serial number, assuming the Paypal payment actually went through. I just checked, and my TS2009 serial number is there plain as day.
Tried looking at My serial numbers at Simulator central?

login > My account > Left hand side > My Serial numbers.
Yep, that's why im here, and that's what the Helpdesk told me to do. I believe that once you register your Serial Number you can see the Download Link from the Digital Version, what a day to buy something. I thought the same about the Payment not received, here is a pic too


But why would SC send me a serial number if no payment has been received??? Wouldn't be that a bit foolish???

Anyways, thanks for the help, hope this finds the good track
Well, that does it! Another disgruntled customer!!

I placed an order at 3 pm on Saturday using Paypal. Got the usual responses from Paypal right away, one saying n3v has been paid. Looked for serial number, not there in my account? Downloaded sim anyway at 3 pm Saturday figuring serial would follow soon?
Sunday morning, no serial, so I found this thread. I use pp everywhere else for everything I buy, and rarely I have had to wait 24 hours for a serial from a private individual. Otherwise instant! So now it is 12 midnight on sunday here and by my calcs about 2 pm at n3v games and still no serial. That's Monday at 2 a business day! So, I lost it! Tired of looking at the file that I purchased 48 hours ago. i read about the helpdesk but that sounds like a wasted effort. All I wanted is a ........ serial, PLEASE!
Well, that does it! Another disgruntled customer!!

I placed an order at 3 pm on Saturday using Paypal. Got the usual responses from Paypal right away, one saying n3v has been paid. Looked for serial number, not there in my account? Downloaded sim anyway at 3 pm Saturday figuring serial would follow soon?
Sunday morning, no serial, so I found this thread. I use pp everywhere else for everything I buy, and rarely I have had to wait 24 hours for a serial from a private individual. Otherwise instant! So now it is 12 midnight on sunday here and by my calcs about 2 pm at n3v games and still no serial. That's Monday at 2 a business day! So, I lost it! Tired of looking at the file that I purchased 48 hours ago. i read about the helpdesk but that sounds like a wasted effort. All I wanted is a ........ serial, PLEASE!

Contact the helpdesk via Simcentral. Felix will take a look at it and sort out the problem.

Also check there as well under your orders for you serial number. Check your email junk folder to ensure your email didn't get misfiled as junk.

This could also be a PayPal issue which has happened in the past. There have been a bunch of problems with them and N3V. It's not N3V's fault as it appears that PayPal doesn't process the orders properly and holds the funds.

I understand your frustration but they will make good on your order.

I nbuy from Simulator Central yesterday and not even now...

...I don't have my link to download the buying items. Please if somebody can help me I will be nice. I reply to Simulator central e-mail of confirmation order but no answer until now. Thank you!
At least I want a refund of my money!
All download links are available by clicking My Account on the Simulator Central site, logging in, then clicking the My Downloadable Products link.
