

New member
I am looking for a small (walking only) bridge to put over a pond. So far all the bridges I have found are big and ei ther train or traffic.

Thanks but I tried all your suggestions and I STILL get--- no items to display. I cannot seem to find anything on cmp. Probably my fault. I must be searching using the wrong combo but I can't seem to find the right one.

If you put "lattice" into Search on the DLS you"ll get several styles of UK Lattice Footbridge which looks good if you "push it underground" a bit to make it ground level.I usually search for items on the DLS rather than CMP because you get better info and pictures than are available on CMP.Then add them to Download Cart.:udrool:
If you have a photo and perhaps some basic dimensions (length and height above the pond) I can make it for you.

Thanks. This time when I tried search it worked:cool: and I found a bridge to use. I was looking for a small arch bridge spline and this one worked good.
