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Don't worry about the number for people still on the team. For TC1&2 there was only Me, Rob and Megan on the development side and James start about 2 weeks before release. So 3 people can do a lot. What this does mean is that we have had to cut back your support to the community, but we will still help out as much as we can.

All the Best



Many thanks for your update

North American Trainz Team
I admit I have had a few small negative encounters with them, and have somewhat complained about that and joked around on the other forum. I never meant to and hope I didn't offend anyone greatly (although I really didn't say anything that bad), and I wish Lance, Alan, and Rob the best of luck. It's a real shame to let people go from a business at this time of the year.

Best of luck guys!
Hi, Lancie. ;)

:hehe: I see you are reading this thread right now, which started humbugging and now is going civil and good-mannered, the way you like.

Take care,

Alberte :wave:
I accept your apology, and respect you better for understanding what could easily be "fighting words". That thread speaks volumes though, as do some other threads I read. Interesting reading, and makes one wonder what is said on the private forums....if such exists there.

I will try to separate the individuals from the organization, but it's hard. I have a different opinion of some I once respected now, but will attempt to get over it.

Not that my opinion alone means anything......:eek:

I appreciate that Ed, thank you. I never try to get on anyones "side" to really hurt anyone, and will try not to ever get involved like that.

Happy Holidays everyone!
Dietrich :)
Aaaahhhh Through the chaos there is always room for a little humour


...................... So please bare with us over this period.............................

:eek: :eek: :eek:

I know we've spoken on the phone but I'm not sure that I want to get THAT friendly with the team.:hehe:
Originally Posted by Spaid

...................... So please bare with us over this period.............................


Aaaahhhh Through the chaos there is always room for a little humour

:eek: :eek: :eek:

I know we've spoken on the phone but I'm not sure that I want to get THAT friendly with the team.:hehe:

:hehe: Yes, yeeezzzzzzzzz, I'm all naked now. O just barefoot, let me have a look! :p

Good time not to lose sense of humour!

Please, please don't let this turn into a waffle thread!
By no means, where did you find that? In keeping minds good-humoured in spite of the general funeral-like sentiment? By no means at all! Let's not mix things, please. ;)

Thank you.

Alberte :wave:, [Spirit of New Orleans French Quarter Mode on]
Originally Posted by Spaid

...................... So please bare with us over this period.............................


I can hear "I'm too sexy for my shirt" just reading this:hehe:

How bare....

Linda ;)

After all, it's only 5 degree below zero outside, and a nice fire at the corner here inside - so I guess I can stand bare. ;)

Either way, Trainz will always remain in my heart as the greatest program I ever been able to have lot of joy with.
For that, I thank Auran and the people behind the program - but it's sad to see how a company can sort of behave like a company too, why should business be so bad sometimes?
Guess we're all human, even corporate people - bare or not... :)

Best wishes all

I'm afraid Alan got the bullet too, which is very sad as we've communicated with him several times. Just before Christmas too.:(
How bare....

............................Guess we're all human, even corporate people - bare or not... :)

Best wishes all


Yes Linda, at least they would have nothing to hide (or nowhere to hide it). For once we would all appreciate everyBODY elses' good points and sort out our DIFFERENCES. (Well sort of).

Well that's about as many puns as anybody should have to (bare).

OH LOOK ! MeDiCaTiOn TiMe AgAiN......Coming Nurse Rachett.
Really surprised that Lance has gone, only knew him through forums and helpdesk, but was always good to deal with. He will really be missed at Trainz.
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I'm not trying to be mean, but why would you dig up a thread that is over a year and a half old for? :eek:


Gisa ^^
I'm not trying to be mean, but why would you dig up a thread that is over a year and a half old for? :eek:


Gisa ^^

Gisa.... I agree with your comment. Also, Iced8383 shows a join date of January he had very little, if any, exposure to Lance and Alan.

Go figure as to why he brought this old thread up.:(

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