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With those three guys gone, TRS will never be the same again ...

Hard to say, but i'll do it : I really wonder if there is still a futur for TRS ?

After such an event theres no word from Auran as usual.
The last time an announcement from someone in power was made it was to assure us that all was well in the world & we had nothing to worry about.

I think Tony needs to go out & buy a new Crystal ball.

I'm new here, but this seems absurd!

Hi HawkeyeFultz,

Firstly. Welcome to the Trainz Community.:wave: There are a lot of wonderfull people on this forum, and a very pleasent place to be.

There is some transition at the moment, and a lot of conjecture. I'm sure will sort out soon.

The point of your post is echoing how many of us feel.

I posted the following on another Trainz forum:-

With the team Rob put together, they were passionate about Trainz, had a plan, and new what they were doing. And were Trainz centred, not working on dozen's of other products at the same time.

Many of us are finding this very difficult too digest, and also consider it a great mistake.

That is apart from the freindships we have enjoyed with the three gentlemen mentioned previously.

Inspite of this, I think you will enjoy your stay with this community.

All the best,

er....I'm not leaving.

Nor I suspect are many other moderators. We may not be Auran moderators but we have been selected by the best Auran has and had to do this job. I for one will continue.

We have an opportunity now for a different type of growth in our community as long as we keep our heads, help others and get along.

We have been excited over new products and announcements; watched with envy as creators released new products; made friends with bonds that may last forever; mourned our losses both personal and as a community. Fallen to depths and risen above it all.

We can do this, and I along with the other Community Moderators would like to ask for your continued support in the future to make our Trainz Community strong.

I too will miss Lance and Alan and Rob. Good luck in the future and I'm sure that we'll see you here and all will welcome you back.

er....I'm not leaving.

Nor I suspect are many other moderators. We may not be Auran moderators but we have been selected by the best Auran has and had to do this job. I for one will continue.

We have an opportunity now for a different type of growth in our community as long as we keep our heads, help others and get along.

We have been excited over new products and announcements; watched with envy as creators released new products; made friends with bonds that may last forever; mourned our losses both personal and as a community. Fallen to depths and risen above it all.

We can do this, and I along with the other Community Moderators would like to ask for your continued support in the future to make our Trainz Community strong.

I too will miss Lance and Alan and Rob. Good luck in the future and I'm sure that we'll see you here and all will welcome you back.


Hi Boco.

You and the other moderators can count on our support. Most of us realise the difficult job that you have.

Your coments above supported as well.

I think its dispicable how Lance, Alan and Rob have been treated. In my opinion, without them, TRS wouldn't be what it is today. I always found Lance to be helpful and professional whenever I had reason to correspond with him or to read his posts. I truely hope that future Trainz development will continue, but it just won't be the same and I'll miss them all.
Alan Rob Lance

Words cannot express how we the community of this fine game feel about the services the three of you have given. The three of you have given your time your effort and your creative talents to this community. Your presence your input will be missed guys. I hope that 2008 brings you good fortune and happiness. Goodbye Goodluck


Ghostryder Aka Scott

I would just like to say that I totally agree with those sentiments and I wish Alan ,Lance and Rob the best of luck in the new year. And thankyou guys for all your help.

er....I'm not leaving.

Nor I suspect are many other moderators. We may not be Auran moderators but we have been selected by the best Auran has and had to do this job. I for one will continue.

We have an opportunity now for a different type of growth in our community as long as we keep our heads, help others and get along.

We have been excited over new products and announcements; watched with envy as creators released new products; made friends with bonds that may last forever; mourned our losses both personal and as a community. Fallen to depths and risen above it all.

We can do this, and I along with the other Community Moderators would like to ask for your continued support in the future to make our Trainz Community strong.

I too will miss Lance and Alan and Rob. Good luck in the future and I'm sure that we'll see you here and all will welcome you back.


I think the challenge at the moment is to hold the ship together until the storm has settled and we can see a way forward once more. Ideally we will need to establish a working relationship with whomever takes over and I think that will be more difficult if we are too critical of actions being taken at the moment.

Currently it looks as if the mods are steering the entire ship and I thank them for their efforts at the moment.

Cheerio John
Lance, Alan, and Rob are gone?

Well, there goes my day. Big time. The holidays here are pretty much ruined to me. :'(

Best wishes, luck, and a merry Christmas to the three and everyone else at Auran.
I'd like to wish Lance, Alan and Rob (and all the others who Auran has kicked to the roadside) the best, Lord knows they'll need it. :'(
All I wonder now is if auran and all of the trainzers will be alright.

I think that as friends of auran ad it's users I think it's our job to support auran and all of the fired trainzers through this hard time.

Now who's with me?
I'm a writer by profession and avocation. I've written hundreds of articles on train simming. But this just leaves me speechless. Here's to you, Lance, Rob and Alan. You're going to be missed more than anyone can imagine.

An open letter...

An open letter to Alan, Lance, Rob, and all the other Auran staffers affected by the recent developments:

I, for one, cannot find the words to express my sorrow at your recent misfortunes; nor the depth of my gratitude for all you have done for our beloved TRS and our community. Just as we felt profound sorrow on the passing away of several of our most beloved community members this year, so too we feel a profound sense of loss at your departure from our community. I am sure I speak for everyone here when I wish you the very best for you and yours in these trying times. I am sure that your considerable and commendable talents will find ample rewards in your future endeavours.

Dr. Michael L. Houston, Ph.D., M.B.A.
Captain, United States Navy, Retired
In my last post I missed mentioning Alan and Rob, I thought it was only Lance. My best wishes to the three of you and your families and may 2008 bring you the success you deserve.
I personally don't see why Auran would get rid of their Customer Relations Officer. Especially one of Lance's caliber.

Also I haven't seen anything saying that Alan or Rob has left; yet. Maybe someone can point me into something that says that. (and people wishing them 'luck' doesn't count)


So sad

I am so sad that Lance, Alan and Rob are gone. In fact I can hardly believe the intellegence of the CEO in 'letting' them go, a polite way of saying fired...!
So with that in mind I would hesitate on wishing the trio a 'merry Christmas' it is hardly likely to be that. But as I have been told many times after my partner died in October, when one door closes another opens (although I am still waiting to find the door!).
But I will wish them all the very best of luck and good fortune for the future, they deserve it.

Thus 2007 is getting to be a worse and worse year by the month for me and all Trainzers. I hope to goodness 2008 might be better.

My thoughts and best wishes go out to you, Lance, Alan and Rob.


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