Australian screenshots

Tom, I see what you mean now. The difference in before and after is quite stark. I have had a look around my own route and noticed that the only major low def texture I have used in both stage 1 and 2 was ballast which I have now changed (some HD ballast looks like boulders even at smallest scale) and some trees which were changed some time ago when I began stage 2. The only textures I can't find in HD, seem to be some dry grass for paddocks, but while driving they are barely noticeable.
I have had a look around both Healesville and Cooma-Bombala routes. Healesville does use a lot of HD textures however the Cooma route barely has any at all. What we really need are more Hd high performance gum trees, (look like RMM Evkalipt but performance like billboards) but for now, high quality trees in town and lower quality in the scrub and on farms will have to do. I suppose I could use less trees, but it really wouldn't look right.

I was in the exact same boat with my Orbost layout Graeme. Your work is fantastic as well, and will look 1000 times better with HD textures in my opinion. I strongly suggest you download those textures off Jamez Sheppards site as they are suited for Australian layouts. As for the scale, make sure in Surveyour to turn the scale button all the way down to the lowest to ensure you're getting the highest quality out of the texture. As for trees, I can definitely feel your pain. The hardest part with gum trees is that if you have too many high detail trees you end up with a slideshow which isn't fun to run Trainz on. I've found with the Orbost line to get a good blend of both which gives out decent results both visually and performance wise. Here's a quick shot to show what I mean. I'm slowly going through replacing the roads as well, the sky is also HD taken from a photo out my front door one day...


All makes for interesting conversation anyway, especially for the future of Australian content in this game. In no way is it meant to be negative, just constructive criticism :)
Hi all,

After seeing Tom's quick upgrade of the Wadalbavale line at Lambley, I decided to have a crack at replacing the trees and textures. Although I was having a problem replacing one particular texture...


One of the other problems with building detailed and accurate routes is some locations need specifically built scenery stuff for it which can be a nightmare to build or obtain.


I will weigh in from north of the border; in Queensland.

My routes; I have created are DEM and I have tried to the best of my abilities as a creator of content to recreate the scene as it was. As I am one of the last few still active in QR modelling that creates content and route builds quite regularly. Due to the historical nature of my own routes, I will go out of my way to recreate and create custom content. Which is time consuming at best! There is a lot of research involved, planning and then sitting down putting actions into words by creating in 3DS or Gmax.

As I will make a prime example for Central Division; the buildings around Mount Morgan has to be created as custom content including the railway structures. The railway structures have to be researched and drawings acquired where possible. The Mount Morgan Railway Station took 7 months to make on and off. Very time consuming with the detail and interiors. I use a mixture of available assets on the DLS, my own or others I have contracted out to be made by other creators. I have a long way to go with the route, and I hope to extend the lines out to the branches in the near future. As why create a route that is not faithful to the era of modelling, which is mid 1950s to mid 1960s and done right that people will instantly recognise the area.

I will build my routes to HD standard but I am not going to compare my routes until I am personally happy that the job is done. As after all; one must enjoy creating and it is deeply satisfying. Not get involved judging others to others because of one is better.


Hi Everyone, I took Tom's advice from yesterday and upgraded my route textures to HD, really makes a difference and there were more than what I originally thought. Once you've changed a couple, you just can't stop. Still finding more.....

HD ballast so much better

Even makes a difference to autumn in Numurkah

I will weigh in from north of the border; in Queensland.

My routes; I have created are DEM and I have tried to the best of my abilities as a creator of content to recreate the scene as it was. As I am one of the last few still active in QR modelling that creates content and route builds quite regularly. Due to the historical nature of my own routes, I will go out of my way to recreate and create custom content. Which is time consuming at best! There is a lot of research involved, planning and then sitting down putting actions into words by creating in 3DS or Gmax.

As I will make a prime example for Central Division; the buildings around Mount Morgan has to be created as custom content including the railway structures. The railway structures have to be researched and drawings acquired where possible. The Mount Morgan Railway Station took 7 months to make on and off. Very time consuming with the detail and interiors. I use a mixture of available assets on the DLS, my own or others I have contracted out to be made by other creators. I have a long way to go with the route, and I hope to extend the lines out to the branches in the near future. As why create a route that is not faithful to the era of modelling, which is mid 1950s to mid 1960s and done right that people will instantly recognise the area.

I will build my routes to HD standard but I am not going to compare my routes until I am personally happy that the job is done. As after all; one must enjoy creating and it is deeply satisfying. Not get involved judging others to others because of one is better.



I thought you claimed all over social media that you live down in Victoria now, beside the Puffing Billy?

My personal life is none of your concern; where my whereabouts or my choices is none to know to you. Please respect my privacy, and others on here. If you wish to start trolling fights here, on an issue that is unrelated to the discussed topic. Continuation of this, will be reported to the mods.

...and back on topic.

Those shots are fantastic Graeme, changes those scenes completely I reckon, awesome work! :)

A few mates and I managed to grab a few shots of two XR's on the Wadalvabale Container train rolling through Goobang Junction, just don't tell anyone we broke into the now defunct signal box!

XR554 approaching the signal box.


RFR Equipment a plenty here! The crossover has a 25km/h speed limit on it at the moment whilst renewal works take place.


Taken from the opposite angle showing the old signal box, now defunct due to modern signalling installed.


Heading off to Wadalbavale. The caution board can be seen here for the crossover heading back to the mainline.

Fantastic to see Tom's and mine words in action. It really does make a layout much better. We actually discussed this beforehand and decided something a little harsher may have gotten our message across.

Take it from me, someone who's been building for 10+ years in Trainz. Half of what constitutes being a good route creator is finding the right assets and being patient. Having a content building freak like Tom (as you can see in the post above) also makes it easier (eg. The RFR content for my Geelong Line)

Gitsham... all Bondi did was ask a question about 2 things you said in the same thread at different times. No need to dob to the mods.


PS Graeme, we'll see what we can do about upgrading some of the rollingstock you're using.
Looking good Graeme. Nice one mate. Tom, what can I say? You nail it every time.
Cheers, Baz.
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Also, another thing, some more textures/flora

Textures: RRM by motorbreath. All of motorbreath's textures are fantastic.
Flora: RMM, Jankvis

will add to this list later when I have a computer.
Thanks guys, being still fairly new at the route building caper, I wasn't aware of all the HD textures available. I've now finished completely retexturing my route and I must say it does look a thousand times better for it, although my poor little 820m graphics chip is now feeling overworked. :confused: Not much of an extra performance hit though. Even the drunk guy wandering on the lawn outside Numurkah station fell over when he saw the changes, lol. I trawled the dls for more HD textures last night and found quite a few more including the RRM ones. Trees are still a problem, but now mainly working on Shepparton I can use the ST_RMM set and get some variety. What I really need a hand with is getting a working turntable, as every time I approach the stub my loco derails. I'm trying to use the VR 53 ft and use VR BG track, it seems to line up ok but still derails. Any help with that would be appreciated.
Still heaps to do but made a start on Rochester. Been having a look at the HD textures and must admit even in TS12 they look better.


Thanks Mick. Not finished, but your items look great.

Cheers, Baz.
Hi guys. Mussels your Frankston route should be great when it's done, very authentic with the signage on the stanchions and signals.
Just finished first complete run from Tocumwal to Shepparton with the HD textures. Sure looks different!:D

Arriving at Numurkah station

Leaving Wunghnu

Coming into Tallygaroopna

Tallygaroopna from silo

Just on down side of Congupna

Shepparton saleyards

Keep up the great work guys and to Tom and Jamie, thanks for putting forward the idea, it makes such a difference.

I've been fairly busy lately, but kept following this thread. I've got to say, that some of the screenshots lately are really 'hitting the mark'. There is a good deal of quality happening out there and I do love the HD images - quite outstanding.

Although I haven't made a point to upgrade everything to HD models, I've been tinkering with my Sydney CBD layout again (there is always something to do). I just enjoy watching all the trains coming and going; and, strangely enough, see the AI drivers keep to their scheduled duties. I must give them a pay rise.

It's also nice to know, that the models I have been using contribute greatly to my total enjoyment level.

So, with that said, I'd like to say 'Thank You' to all the creators who have contributed so much of their time and energy to give all of us, loads of entertainment. In particular, thanks to 'Steve123' for his Sydney Central Station model (a great base to start from) and to 'Davido' , 'Memeboy' and to 'NSWGR_46Class' for their superb rolling-stock. Thanks guys!


A screenshot tells some of the story, but a video tells you more. Cheers, Roy3b3.

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Nice shots Baz. Micks sheds look great too. I see you're catching the HD bug as well, lol.

Thanks Graeme. Yes mate, especially after seeing yours and Toms shots. No where near finished, just wanted to show the difference those textures the boys suggested make. I didn't even know those texture splines existed. Makes it so much easier (and better) for doing yards etc. Sometimes we all need a gentle kick in the backside to prompt us into improvement. LOL. Look what it's done for you, those shots are awesome mate. Keep up the great work, really looking good.