anyone got a copy of the Uintah pictorial book volume 2 by Rdger Polley


Well-known member
i'm posting this here because if i can get a copy of this book it will help Ben Dorsey to make more freeware Uintah models for the DLS. hes beavering away making stuff, but what he can do is limited by the info he has on the buildings and bridges .ive bought a copy of volume one, but i also need the second volume , atchee to watson, to fill in the gaps.
this book is now out of print , its not available in australia and no libraries i can find have a copy either .

if anyone can help me get a copy in any format please pm me, or , if you have a copy which you don't want to sell, can you let me know if there are detailed diagrams of the route trestles grades and any good images of the buildings for me to use, rather then lots of 'interesting ' info on gilsonite etc, which is nice but not terribly helpful regarding making a route.

if its worth it i'll try to find the astronomical sums that are being asked for the book nowadays and get a copy posted to me from the states. .,6090,6138

Apparently the author was hanging around this forum, you might be able to find out more about the book there.

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No one wants to plunk down $187USD (the cheapest price on Amazon.US) for a book that doesn't have the information you need.

thanks Norm, no one doesn't want to spend that sort of loot, but i just have , emptied my account until next payday .
it was driving me insane looking around and seeing prices rocket , i spent $277 dollars when its converted to australian. some other folks on the ng discussion list have told me its worth it.
i found a copy for $!800 ------ absolutely insane price !, many are going for over $400 , so looking at it that way, $187 US ain't bad. hopefully it will have some pics that ben can use to make stuff :-)