After this update, it's like peeling a rotten onion.


Trainzing since 12-2003
Check for content updates! It's all about peeling a rotten onion!

Like most patches, this one caused a bit of angst and typically recovering from an update is like peeling a large onion and sometimes a rotten one! I finally waded through my lengthy DBR, which took 14 hours, and got on to checking the damages.

I had a number of faulty assets. Since the DBR ran, I used View Errors and warnings to clear up the leftovers and reverted anything else that it didn't clear. This worked for a few assets, rather disappointingly.

I then checked for all updates available using a filter I set up and used it twice in two different ways.

1) Out-of-date and not built-in (It means packaged and built-in)

Installed = True

Out of date = True

Packaged = False.

This shows the stuff that's available from the DLS and easily downloaded.

2) Out-of-date and not built-in (It means packaged and built-in) --- same filter as before but run differently.

Installed = True

Out of date = True

Packaged = True

True has been underlined to show the difference.

This cleaned up most of the faulty content other than some known items mentioned totaling about 30 assets. There was one actual faulty asset I was able to repair.

<kuid2:56063:180506:1> 42ft Flatcar US Army Transportation Corps #

This asset has a conflict in one of the queues and the repair was a simple editing in the config.txt file to remove the conflict. Hint. remove load2 from the second reference to it if you want to repair this asset.

If you have all the Content Packages, you will have a few additional things you can't download such as Russian cars due to the content creator being banned.

Selecting content here is a bit different and requires selecting all the non-trains available for download. This is due to this filter picking up the non-PC versions available that have a higher version.

Like everyone else I had a bunch of missing assets. I was able to download a number from the DLS and that cleaned up a bunch along with downloading any updated routes and content from the Content Store.

My missing dependencies are now related to one missing asset for Model Trainz Germany route. <kuid:661281:85226> PBR Forest Floor 1
Ah the benefits of having only just got on the train! My DBR took a couple of minutes. All the 57 warnings and errors may as well be in Greek at this stage.
Check for content updates! It's all about peeling a rotten onion!

Like most patches, this one caused a bit of angst and typically recovering from an update is like peeling a large onion and sometimes a rotten one! I finally waded through my lengthy DBR, which took 14 hours, and got on to checking the damages.

I had a number of faulty assets. Since the DBR ran, I used View Errors and warnings to clear up the leftovers and reverted anything else that it didn't clear. This worked for a few assets, rather disappointingly.


Curious. My "clean" installation took around 10 mins to run its DBR and has 81 faulties. My working installation took 2 or 3 hours (didn't record it) and has 220 faulties. I was expecting 1000's for that one so I'll have to look into that.

I do not understand why N3V have a tendency to release updates on a Friday. Back when I was a software dev it was a no-no unless you wanted your weekend ruined.
Curious. My "clean" installation took around 10 mins to run its DBR and has 81 faulties. My working installation took 2 or 3 hours (didn't record it) and has 220 faulties. I was expecting 1000's for that one so I'll have to look into that.

I do not understand why N3V have a tendency to release updates on a Friday. Back when I was a software dev it was a no-no unless you wanted your weekend ruined.
I always wondered why they do that. I suppose it's drop the bomb and run like bloody 'ell.

After my post, I took a look at the damage from the update and there's still more stuff to be fixed. For some reason the initial check of faulty assets didn't pick this up and I'm now fixing and checking. It'll be a couple of days before I get up and running.
In my case all my errors come from just one route <kuid2:154322:100063:19> ECML EDINBURGH - DUNDEE which reports as having missing dependencies but when I check the route there is nothing missing.
My experience was different and I ended up having no additional 'faulties' or missing assets. The 382 second silent DBR/ client refresh following installation for this SP5 patch was observed happening via View Client Logs and I ran Prebuild to pre-cache assets before running another basic DBR (3 minutes flat, and 21 seconds respectively).
Certainly don't have as many assets installed as John has, but still over 140GB.
A subsequent sadistically-applied extended (full) DBR took 393 seconds or roughly 6.5 minutes. My primary installation is on a Samsung 990 Pro 2Tb NVMe SSD so I typically experience faster EDBRs.
All remaining errors were known before applying this patch.
Apart from the pre-reported issues regarding 'incompatible splines' and slow shader precaching on initial loads, this patch seems pretty benign to me for a Service Pack and build version upgrade (compared to some shockers we experienced with T:ANE, remember!)
Keep at it John, you know you love this simulator as much as you like to report on it when it doesn't behave!
Cheers, PC.
I have noticed that some items when using:

Installed, Out of Date, Packaged all set to true does not allow downloading the most recent version. As an example the 2M62U-0166 B train kuid2:354694:1082345:1 has a new version, but the download is greyed also this train is not payware. Either this has to be from the creators own repository or something else. My other assumption is that it came from a DLS route I grabbed when I first got the game, or it is baked into Platinum Edition (Steam version).

There is a laundry list of assets that come up in that same result that I can't can update to it's newer versions.

I have noticed that i can not lay track objects on my Socal Route. The only way i can lay track objects is to switch the track to Mojave Sub track and then switch it back to original track.

I have noticed that i can not lay track objects on my Socal Route. The only way i can lay track objects is to switch the track to Mojave Sub track and then switch it back to original track.

See here:
Good evening,

Here I the same issue with "incompatible spline" error message. Did all the proposed as fix for this issue but without any success.
Does anyone know another possible solution as open for edit and revert to original as well as re submit my tracks didn't do anything to solve.

Thank you very much in advance for your help and tips/tricks.

Good evening,

Here I the same issue with "incompatible spline" error message. Did all the proposed as fix for this issue but without any success.
Does anyone know another possible solution as open for edit and revert to original as well as re submit my tracks didn't do anything to solve.

Thank you very much in advance for your help and tips/tricks.

Have you tried using Surveyor Classic rather than 2.0 as this worked for me?
So yeah I updated Trainz like a while ago and one of the routes is faulty (Belarusian Woodland.) and Andrushivka - Vinnitsa UZ has missing dependencies that need to be updated but I don't have FCT so I said sod it.
So yeah I updated Trainz like a while ago and one of the routes is faulty (Belarusian Woodland.) and Andrushivka - Vinnitsa UZ has missing dependencies that need to be updated but I don't have FCT so I said sod it.
It's a known issue and was mentioned by the people at N3V. These routes are also DLC from the Content Store and don't require an FCT for downloading.
It's a known issue and was mentioned by the people at N3V. These routes are also DLC from the Content Store and don't require an FCT for downloading.
Well one of the dependencies in the route that was a new one by the way had a long downloading time so that's why said I sod it and uninstalled it (The route) itself
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