You are right. And so did I while driving my loco. Unfortunately it didn't modify anything.
hi Vincent, Brian, John and Martin.
There is currently a bug in IT implementation when a train requests (either using automatic path setup or ITSetPath or choosing a manual path in the select path box) a path starting at an entry signal which is the same signal as the previous path exit signal, if the locomotive has changed direction after passing the exit signal in the reverse direction (locomotive running backwards) , and the new path is requested while the previous path is still in the PATH_CANCELLING processing (path cancelling process last about 5 sec. real time).
The bug is in fact a very vicious bug, as the previous path will start its cancellation processing when you leave the exit signal, but will be reactivated by the bugged code if you stop your train while your previous path is still in the PATH_CANCELLING state ... The only way to avoid the problem is not to stop a train with locomotive in the backward direction before 6 sec. after leaving the exit signal (to give the time for the previous path to return to the PATH_NOT_SET state) ...
From the description of operation from Vincent, I suspect that movement 1 is with locomotive in the frontward direction, movement 2 in the backward direction and movement 3 in the frontward direction. If it is the case, this may explain the problem you encounter just after movement 2. If you reverse your locomotive at the start, you should encounter the problem after movement 1 instead of movement 2, which does not solve the problem but may confirm you encounter the "reverse too soon while in backward direction" bug ...
As I think you will say that waiting 6 sec. before stopping is not practicable ... the other way to avoid the problem is to use an enhanced interlocking tower ( either my private version or TRC 3 invisible interlocking tower) for which I can send you a temporary fix for this problem.
For Vincent, the fix needs to be done in the TRC3 interlocking tower library. I will send you soon (today) a new beta version 7 of this asset so that you can see if it solves your problem ...
I am speaking of temporary fix as I will report soon the problem to N3V support and it will certainly be fixed in in future hot fix 4 - 5 - ... ? but the delay for the fix may be in months ...