Is it possible to make an AI train ignore a Track Direction Marker?


Cab mode weirdo
I am attempting to make a session on a route and I need a freight train to move to a specific track: unfortunately, at both ends of this track there are yellow Track Direction Markers pointing outside, so no AI train should be able to enter.

Is there a way to have the AI-controlled trains ignore the TDMs? I thought about placing a TM a few centimeters (or inches) before the TDM, giving the train a "Drive Via TM" order (and forcing the signal before the TDM to show a "proceed" aspect). In this way, the train should not stop once it "sees" the TDM a few centimetres away and go beyond it, but I was wondering if there is a more straightforward solution.

Thanks in advance!
The answer, at least in my experience, is no.

The effect of a TDM is absolute between junctions so placing a TM before the TDM will not work because the TDM applies to the entire track between two junctions.

The only alternative that would work is to use Track Priority Markers instead of TDMs. Priority markers work by "fooling" an AI train into thinking a track path is either shorter (and therefore more desirable) or longer (and less desirable) than it actually is. So you could assign your AI freight train a priority level of 1 or 3 (NOT the default value of 2) and place a priority marker set to the same level on the specific track (the direction it points has no effect). Also place another priority marker on the adjacent track set to the default value of 2 to attract any AI trains to that track. The default priority level for all consists is 2.

See the Trainz Wiki Page at for more details.
Thanks, pware, I will give the priority marker method a try.

On a side note, the Wiki page states that TDMs have no effect on player-driven trains. This is true in the strictest sense, as a human driver can ignore them. Driving along a path leading to a point-facing TDM will set any signal the player before the TDM to the STOP aspect, forcing the player to stop (or to perform a SPAD).

I met this situation in another session I made the last year, where the player had to enter a yard but was stopped by a red signal before entering the yard ladder. I was driven mad trying to figure out why the signal prevented the player to access a path absolutely free of any rolling stock, with all the switches properly aligned, then I found a TDM placed in the track section going from the main line track to the track ladder... pointing outward, of course. To add insult to injury, there was another TDM, also pointed outward, at the other end of the yard that, as a consequence, was not accessible by AI trains and not even by human driven trains (as long as they obeyed the signals). In that case, I easily solved the issue forcing the signal to show a "proceed aspect", but no AI trains were involved.

Thanks again a lot!
Driving along a path leading to a point-facing TDM will set any signal the player before the TDM to the STOP aspect,
I just tested that and did not see the same result. The signals that lead to a path that is opposed by a TDM all displayed a proceed aspect. I have never encountered a situation where a train under manual control did not get a proceed aspect signal in that situation, if the line ahead to the next signal was clear..
To allow a player to see a working signal aspect with a direction marker blocking the path for AI drivers, you can use the AI Routing Direction Marker

<kuid:30501:1013> AI Routing Direction Marker

Here's the description:

Similar to the 'Track Direction Marker', however this object does not affect signalling." (sic)

This is found under track-objects and is a base asset.

I use this all the time now in place of the normal Direction Markers on my routes. This allows me to drive my trains the wrong way without SPAD and be able to see signals when I enter the track. There are places where I need to switch industries located on the opposite track that's blocked from AI drivers to prevent them from taking a through siding.
I have had AI loco ignore a Direction Marker pointing against it, but have never been successful intentionally. Having said that, and in my experience with my Routes/Sessions, if an AI loco is expected to travel the wrong way over a specific piece of trackwork, then a trackwork revision solves the issue! Regards. Colin.
Sorry, I hit "Post Reply" a bit too soon. Thanks for your advice, folks!

In my experience, TDMs also affect signals, see below:

1) I am driving the BR 50 stopped at the signal;
2) the switches are set for a path leading to track #1 of the station;
3) the signal before the TDM is red and passing the mouse cursor on the signal I see a message "Line ahead has a track direction marker facing against us".

I can easily overcome this situation for a player-driven train by forcing the signal to show a "proceed" aspect, but this is not what's bothering me. The train should arrive on track #1 and leave 16 tankers loaded with crude for the refinery. The player should then pick up the tankers with a small switcher and bring them to the refinery. I will try the "priority" trick now.,

Unfortunately, I cannot modify the route (otherwise, I would already have sent all the [UNPRINTABLE] TDMs to the dustbin of history)

I returned to the brute force approach, installing an invisible signal set to "proceed" just before the TDM:


And it worked fine, now the tanker train arrives where I wanted it:


Thanks anyway!
That is the TDM that I used in my test from post #4 above.
I didn't realise that. The regular TDM, the one found in the markers and triggers tab in Classic Surveyor, blocks the signal aspects. This is the one that Carlos is having fits with. Using the AI Direction Marker works like it should for me as it prevents the AI from going where they're not supposed to and still allows the signals to work as they should. It could be his track configuration is much different that the ones we're using.
The track configuration is very simple:


"Alla raffineria" means "To the oil refinery"

The two yellow triangles are the TDMs, the red one is a TM I placed marking the stopping point for the arriving train.

The station has three tracks: #2 and #3 each include an invisible station and so far they play no part in the session. Track #1 is the one that is giving me so much grief: the freight train must arrive there, so that a switcher on the refinery track can pick up 12 tankers and bring them to the refinery.

I tried to understand the reason for placing the TDMs there, but I have been unable to find one.

This is the one that Carlos is having fits with

This will make you the undisputed winner of the "2024 World Understatement Trophy", even though I deny having been caught burning a giant yellow pyramid on Halloween night :cool: