I have a problem which is driving me toward insanity I am using Kickstarter Route and created a session. I put an Interlocking Tower and a locomotive pulling tankers in St-Nicholass yard. At the entrance of Jackson Refinery there is a junction, I added an invisible signal right after the junction. Further down the track I put in a marker and a trigger slightly in front of the marker. I then created an Interlocking Tower path from the yard to that invisible signal, the reason being that I was told by technical support that you cannot cancel a path if it is occupied by a train. The driver I use is an AI driver to which I give the following commands; IT Set Path (to Jackson), Navigate to Jackson Refinery, load tankers and Auto Drive to marker. To the list of rules I added a Trigger rule (to be triggered by the loco) and under that rule I added a Message PopUp (saying cancelling path), followed by an Interlocking Tower Set Path (cancelling the path), followed by a Message PopUp saying message saying Path cancelled. The AI train will then proceed to go to Jackson Refinery, load the tankers and then activate the trigger (I know it does so because I get a popup message saying so but the path is not cancelled (junctions remain locked) and the popup message which is after the cancellation rule is never displayed. Is there a problem with Trainz or what am I doing wrong. Any help would be greatly appreciated