A message to the Trainz Community

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Now that I have your attention:

Lay off Dragonharh and the spelling/grammar issues.

Recently there has been an increased amount of incidents of people complaining of the spelling and grammar of Dranogharh. As his friend and as someone who sees this kind if BSing at my school, I want each and every one who has complained to apologize or at least DON'T DO IT AGAIN. EVER. Not everyone can spell perfectly or have perfect grammar. He has stated once that its hard, so just accept that and back the hell off, ok? I'm tired of seeing this kind of crap from the users on here. Even a member of the famed Jointed Rail (the member won't be named) was rude enough to write "must be typing with socks on his hands" in a recently closed thread. What kind of crap is that?!

If you (and I don't care if its N3V employees that I'm talking to) don't have anything nice to say, or even have the remote thought that it might offend someone, then don't bloody post it. Period. End of Story. At my school this is a common occurance. Bullies laugh at others spelling and grammar errors on papers that get marked down. Sure, that's school, and there are always bullies. But these are the TRAINZ FORUMS. Not SCHOOL. We are supposed to HELP each other with problems with content, creating content, and talking about Trainz. Not being rude to othee persons here. So next time you are about to post about someone's grammar or spelling, shut your trap an think about it for a minute. "Will this possibly offend the person?" "Will this be accepted graceiously?" Etc.

Sorry for the bluntness and directness but apparently it's the only fricking way to get messages like these across in this darn forum.
You know what? I think it is a pity for all the individuals that waste time on pointing out grammar or spelling problems. This guy, Dragonharh, actually takes time to create and support his own content. Can't say much for the guys that nitpick his ways of typing.

But really, on a serious note, I really don't mind any spelling or grammar problems... it shows you are human, if anything.

And with that note, I leave you with this.

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