A Little Help?


Ramblin' Man..
Starting on Thursday I purchased JR's SP GP9's and when I went to install them, after installation CMP couldn't locate it, so I try to install it again, CMP tells me "this version of trainz cannot accept 3rd party content". So I open my launcher and my CD Key is missing, so I put my CD key back in and now all that Trainz does is every time I click CMP, Quit, or Launch, it does an EDR. After the EDR is complete, it just does another one. *Keep in mind this takes about two hours for one EDR*
Does anyone know how to fix this?
A shot in the dark.
Have you tried to open the CM from its own ContentManager.exe
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Ran Diag....

Trying to get Crash Report running, also trying to attempt to locate my GP9 I got to see if that itself is the problem.

CMP is having issues loading literally anything.
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At this point I don't know what to tell you.
I'm going over to flightsim.com forum.
every thing works ok there.
So I have reinstalled said content I purchased. I can't get it to view in main list. I can't get a single thing in CMP to load up.

At the same time, my launcher still does an EDR every time.
Just a thought, did you move any folders recently, or do anything to Trainz's file system? That could be it. Then again, i'm not a genius with files and computer-ystuff like this, but again, it's just a thought.

Keep calm and report back,
I have not moved any folders though I appreciate the thought.

A friend of mine thought the problem was the build date of the GP9 that I purchased considering it was for SP1+ and I run TS12 Native.
However the build date is 2.9 of the Geep and everything else installed correctly just fine.

I have since run a full EDR in my CMP, and I loaded CMP the way xcrossi showed me earlier.
I glad I was able to help a little.:wave:

I have since run a full EDR in my CMP, and I loaded CMP the way xcrossi showed me earlier.
It is odd that the build shows as 2.9. If it is for TS12 SP1, the build should be 3.7 at which that build cannot be changed to anything less. Did you physically change the build to work in TS12 Native? And what exactly do you mean by TS12 Native? You mean unpatched version? This sounds like an issue that may need reinstall..........
did you even take time to read this? it does not need to be 3.7, something in 61388 build not in older versions is used, you cannot go specifically by the 2.9 and assume it will be fine:

[h=2]EMD GP9 - SP (FREIGHT)[/h]Model and textures by Alex Kulik


did you even take time to read this? it does not need to be 3.7, something in 61388 build not in older versions is used, you cannot go specifically by the 2.9 and assume it will be fine:


Model and textures by Alex Kulik


Well considering I asked Alex if his newest GP9 models would work in TS2010 and he said no, I'm pretty sure thats good evidence to say that it's build number being 2.9 is suspicious.
The engine works error-free in TS12 Native on my CPU, no problems or otherwise, so that shouldn't be the problem. I think it has to do with a corrupted file or asset in your game that could be preventing the EDR from fully completing, therefore when the EDR "finishes," it's really just getting hung up on that asset and not finishing the EDR. If you can somehow pinpoint this asset, then maybe you can get the EDR to complete, but, judging by past experiences, it's hit or miss if you will actually be able to complete the EDR. What I did to solve this one other time is I installed another version and then I just imported all of my installed content from the troubled version via CMP. This way, CMP will filter out the bad asset and all of your other installed content will be transferred to your other version. Be mindful, this process takes a while. Hope you get this solved quickly buddy. :)
Nothing was modified after it was sent to me, the build is 2.9 and that is the way it came to me.
Is there any way to fix this damn game to work again?
If you are receiving constant database errors, then there's something wrong somewhere. It could be a failing hard drive or memory which is causing data corruption, or it could be just plain corrupted data in your Trainz install. I highly suggest you back stuff up and attempt another repair. The constant repairs could also be self-inflicted by not letting Trainz shutdown completely before turning the computer off, or allowing the machine to hibernate while Trainz is running, which I have found causes problems.

Do not start Trainz to initiate a repair. Instead perform your Quick Database repair in Content Manager. The repair process may take a very long time so plan on doing something else. Perhaps even start the repair when you go to bed so it has a chance to run overnight unimpeded. When the repair is completed, check in Content Manager for faulty content. There will be some items listed. Highlight these items and view errors and warnings. These should disappear from the list. Any remaining faulty assets can then be repaired or downloaded using the normal methods. In the event that something cannot be repaired, the only option is to replace the asset from backups or redownload.

Once the database has been repaired, do not close Content Manager. Also do not start Trainz immedaitely as the database will now be validating assets. This process to can take some time, and cause the program to display a not-responding when attempting to access anything on the route menu or other functions withing Trainz.

Once this is complete, depending upon how long it took, you can then use Trainz normally.

If you continue to receive errors and updating database messages, then you need to investigate further as this could be faulty hardware causing this problem.

Well considering I asked Alex if his newest GP9 models would work in TS2010 and he said no, I'm pretty sure thats good evidence to say that it's build number being 2.9 is suspicious.

Just an FYI... it is 2.9, as well as their SP SD9 HH. Those were just built by default number, I believe. The earlier released GP7 and GP9 units (SN UP WP) are 3.3 while others are 2.9 (RI NW KATY SIERRA) which goes back to what I was trying to state before. There are FEATURES that are in 61388, that these require. Probably related to the custom cab used on the startup/shutdown, and other cab functions. There is also a unit selector, 1-2-3-4, for MUing them.

Nothing was modified after it was sent to me, the build is 2.9 and that is the way it came to me.
Is there any way to fix this damn game to work again?

There is a way to fix it, either change it to another cab, or bite the bullet and move forward, get TS12 up to 61388 build, and get comfortable with it. It isn't bad at all.
