1960's signaling.


Would 2A electric light signalling be wrong in a main station in circa 1960.
Also would route indicator and feathers be appropriate.

This will be used in a major London style station ie Victoria or London Bridge.

Thanks for any response,

Hi Mark

3Aspect would be more approptiate. In a terminal area, then Theatre junction indicator would be used, as the maximum speed is lower and the signals closer together.

That's how Glasgow Central was done in 1960, and Euston was the same.

Cheers, Donald
I think it would work okay, there is a couple of 2A signals at Kings Cross on the Deltic ECML project route. Electric colour lights really started appearing in the 1950s time, coinciding with faster train services.

If your looking for period 1960s electric lights, a person called Nexusdj has created some that are on the DLS, that can have route indicators and feathers.

I found some pictures here of 1960s light at Kings Cross:

http://www.nrm.org.uk/img/nrm/worksphotos/Liverpool Street/1995-7233_LIVST_LS_479.jpg

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Electric colour light signals were developed between the two World Wars starting with the LNER Marylebone to Neasden in 1923 which was a three aspect system. In 1926 a four aspect system was installed between Holborn Viaduct and Elephant & Castle on the Southern Railway.

If you are interested in understanding signalling there are a couple of pocket sized books published by Ian Allen, "Signalling in the Age of Steam" by Michael A. Vanns and "BR Signalling Handbook" by Stanley Hall. I picked up my copies from ebay for 99p each plus postage and they have been worth every penny. The print's a bit small but they contain a wealth of information.

