Baldwin or North British Export Steam


Steam Train Fanatic
I was wondering if anyone had made any Baldwin or North British Export steam, the classic kind found in places like Africa and South America? Generally 3ft6" or metre gauge (occasionally broad) but with the classic design? Thank you, please don't think I am gimme pigging, just wondering if one exists yet as so many were built when imperial Africa and South America were expanding.
It is a Scottish built locomotive in South Africa. SAR Class 6B built by Neilson, Reid and Company in Glasgow.
I also remember there are a few preserved Canadian engines that were built in Scotland and were shipped over to Canada. One of them is operating on prairie dog central railroad.
From Ben Neal -- "Freelanced 30 inch 30ng narrow gauge 2-6-2 Prairie locomotive. Mirrors Baldwin design practices. No know prototype" and "Freelanced 30 inch gauge 2-8-2. Mirrors Baldwin design practices. Most similar real locomotives were a group of 25 engines that Baldwin built in 1922 for Argentina."

I've make then usable in T:ANE. Search the Download Station with "Loco 30ng".
