Would we ever go back from TANE's CM to T12's CM, just wondering?

Where does the build number appear on the TANE Content Manager. With TS12 this used to be prominently displayed after the title eg. Content Manager 3.7.
What builds correspond to 4.3, 4.4 & 4.5 ?


Edit Just worked them out: I think 4.3 is SP1, Model Railways 4.4 and SP2 4.5. Wiki needs updating by N3V.
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I've been using TANE's Content Manager from the early days of TANE and I don't like having to go back to TS12's CM which I am required to do on a regular basis. The ability to have multiple windows is, perhaps, it's greatest advantage.

But there could be improvements as in any software. Since it is a simple Windows window I see no reason why we can't re-colour, change fonts and use most of the "standard" windows features. Perhaps there is an issue maintaining some similarity between Windows and Mac.

I sometimes have two version of TANE running. I can tailor the splash window so I know which one I am looking at but it is impossible to tailor the CM windows. The ability to colour backgrounds, borders, etc would help.

I don't use the thumbnail view of CM. Frankly you can't see enough to make it worthwhile for my purposes. I didn't even know it existed until someone complained the other day that it wasn't working. i took one look and decided it wasn't for me.

Re Ish's comments: I use TANE's CM in conjunction with AssetX and TANE's Preview Asset for CC purposes. Works for me!

I've seen the possible replacement for CCP and it looks promising. But I never used CCP because it was too slow and I doubt if I will use it's replacement. But I will happily test it for N3V. :)

I think content creators have very different requirements for CM and associated programs so I am sympathetic to Ish's views of a tailored/cut down CM.