Who is Tony_Hilliam and why is he breaking my Trainz

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AFAIK Martin it was a one month period of grace to roll back from Win 10 to Win 7. Found that when I was struggling to get MSTS to run on the laptop (since solved) and found as a month had passed, the option had expired.
OK, 30 days but if you can't figure out during that grace period that Win10 is not for you or that some critical application doesn't work or that that old peripheral doesn't have a modern driver then perhaps you have bigger issues.
That's why I'm glad I bought a hard copy of Win7 Pro. at least it means I can dump Win10 if I feel like going back to 7. :D
That would suggest your computer is not able to run Win10. Did the Win10 compatibility test succeed? As for T:ANE, yes it needs plenty of resources to run. The minimum are just that. It will get you in but don't expect any performance beyond that, especially if you attempt to push the performance sliders to the right. This is doubly true for the GPU subsystem.
My Win10 compatibility test says I have plenty of excess resources for 10, but Win7 is too unstable to operate while it's doing the upgrade. I'm thinking I might double the RAM so it can remember what it's doing and see if that helps.
I exceed the minimums, which apparently are based on a clean computer running nothing but TANE. With the sliders all the way to the left and everything possible shut off, TANE has an unusable frame rate on the large built in routes.
I'm working on a small route now and then, which is an interesting diversion until Win7 locks up again.
I kind of hate Win7
OK, 30 days but if you can't figure out during that grace period that Win10 is not for you or that some critical application doesn't work or that that old peripheral doesn't have a modern driver then perhaps you have bigger issues.

Up to a point Martin, but a month is not sufficiently a long enough period to run or test every piece of software. Obviously if the interface is not for you it's a no brainer but in general terms, apart from TANE and the now solved issues with MSTS, most of what I've run so far works as well if not better in Win 10. However I still have scores of titles, such as the Mass Effect Series, Fallout 3 and New Vegas, GTA V to name but a few which I've yet to test.

The other sneak factor from MS, was that if you did roll back then subsequently relented and put Win 10 back on, the one month period didn't reset but applied from the original date of first install.

I'm still convinced it's something in the interface between Win 10 and the Trainz software which causes the inability to switch seasons/months in all versions (TS2010/TS12) which was not an issue in Win 7 or earlier.
I'm English, and I have no trouble with using windows 10. Also, I don't wear a tin foil hat....

Well then, without the tinfoil hat, you should be prepared to meet the American invasion of T:ANE with open arms! I couldn't resist, seeing your signature...:hehe:

I finally realized that it had been so long since I fired up TS12 that I finally deleted it altogether, reclaiming a few Gb of disk space. I kept it around to help shuttle old routes and assets into T:ANE, but I haven't really been needing to do so. T:ANE is working well for me!

Windows 10 on the other hand, will not run many applications that I currently use. In fact, Window 7 supports the XP virtual machine that permits me to maintain some applications that will not reappear in the Windows 10 world for quite some time. So it is not irrational fear that irritates me about Microsoft, but their clearly careless disregard for those of us who simply cannot re-up all the applications that we need.

From Microsoft's perspective, they must believe that all we want are cutsie little applications that doodle, burp, and coo. Even the US DoD coughed up $30M to extend XP support due to critical applications that cannot be ported over to Windows 7 and above...
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I upgraded from Win 7 to Win 10 and got a 10 to 20 % increase in performance on Tane. I have an ATI GPU.
Well, I have been tellin' folks left and right, but nobody believed me, now here's proof! Thanks for posting the proof.

I upgraded from Win 7 to Win 10 and got a 10 to 20 % increase in performance on Tane. I have an ATI GPU.

I can't quantify it to that extent but upgrading from Win 8.1 to 10 gave me a noticeable improvement in TANE and, to a lesser extent, in TS12. As a test I loaded the same layout in both TS12 and TANE side-by-side on the same computer in Surveyor mode. The speed improvement in moving around the layout in TANE over TS12 was simply amazing. Then there was the almost total lack of stuttering in TANE in Driver mode.
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