Who is Tony_Hilliam and why is he breaking my Trainz

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Who is Tony_Hilliam and why is he breaking my Trainz

I am at my whit's end, I am done, this product is now on my 'it sucks' list. I am a computer programmer, an arbitrator, a network engineer, and am a Microsoft sponsored and Android fan boy. How can this be so hard.

I hope this post gets deleted, it will then be immortalized as it has already been copied to Google, thus making it more relevant. I have this bad JuJu because I spent my money to upgrade from TS12 to T:ANE and feel I got ripped off. I live in America where we can boycott things and express our dis-satisfaction to things without prosecution. Ha, so there it is. I am unhappy with my purchase of T:ANE and have been offered no refund...

So as an American. I ask for Tony_Hilliam 's resignation, without retribution.

Thank You.

EDIT UPDATE: Okay, I'm sorry, I'm a bad speller and a loud mouth jerk. Tony_Jilliam should keep his job, he has to put up with a lot of people like me, that must be tough. People like me should not vent their frustrations at the forum.
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Christopher824;1486763 said:
I am a computer programmer, an arbitrator, a network engineer, and am a Microsoft sponsored and Android fan boy. How can this be so hard.
So as an American. I ask for Tony_Hilliam 's resignation, without retribution. Thank You.

Rather than bag the man and the product, why don't you give us an idea of what problems you are having. Heavens, who knows, the community might even be able to help you solve some of them!!!

You quote a pretty impressive array of computer qualifications, so I'm a little perplexed as to why a little old hick boy like me, from Hicksville Upper Hutt NZ that doesn't have your vast knowledge of computers, can install & run this product your bagging, without any real drama's.

Is it perfect? "No". Are there still some bugs in it? "Yes". Will a lot of the remaining bugs get sorted out? "Hopefully". - Some people, maybe a lot, are happy with Tane. Some people, no matter what, will never be happy with Tane!!!

Unfortunately Sir, we just don't live in a perfect world. (Life is far more enjoyable when you learn to live with what you do have)... As Earl J Ford once quoted; "Progress" can sometimes be a b_tch!!!

As for Mr Hillian's resignation! Be careful what you wish for. If he goes out the door, all further/future development of Trainz might go out the door with him. (And no, I'm not a Tony Hilliam fan boy)...

Footnote: I ran my own business for 27 years. I employed a small number of staff. I do know what it like to have to pay the weekly/monthly business outgoings, and the constant worry about having the weekly cash flow to meet those outgoing... N3V is a business first, where a number of people expect/get a weekly pay packet that's needed to feed mouths, pay mortgages, etc, etc...

I would assume they are all trying there best, because there lively-hoods depend on it...

Anyway, I hope you pickup your toys and put them back in the cot, count to 100, and then please let us know what Tane problems your having, so hopefully someone can help you.

Hope you get them sorted.

Cheers, Mac...
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Rather than bag the man and the product, why don't you give us an idea of what problems you are having. Heavens, who knows, the community might even be able to help you solve some of them!!!

You quote a pretty impressive array of computer qualifications, so I'm a little perplexed as to why a little old hick boy like me, from Hicksville Upper Hutt NZ that doesn't have your vast knowledge of computers, can install & run this product your bagging, without any real drama's.

Is it perfect, "No". Are there still some bugs in it "Yes". Will a lot of the remaining bugs get sorted out, "Hopefully". Some people, maybe a lot, are happy with Tane. Some people, no matter what, will never be happy with Tane!!!

Unfortunately Sir, we just don't live in a perfect world. (Life is far more enjoyable when you learn to live with what you do have)... As Earl J Ford once quoted; "Progress" can sometimes be a b_tch!!!

As for Mr Hillian's resignation! Be careful what you wish for. If he goes out the door, all further/future development of Trainz might go out the door with him. (And no, I'm not a Tony Hilliam fan boy)...

Footnote: I ran my own business for 27 years. I employed a small number of staff. I do know what it like to have to pay the weekly/monthly business outgoings, and the constant worry about having the weekly cash flow to meet those outgoing... N3V is a business first, where a number of people expect/get a weekly pay packet that's needed to feed mouths, pay mortgages, etc, etc...

I would assume they are all trying there best, because there lively-hoods depend on it...

Anyway, I hope you pickup your toys and put them back in the cot, count to 100, and then please let us know what Tane problems your having, so hopefully someone can help you.

Hope you get them sorted.

Cheers, Mac...
Very well said Sir. :Y:
Fair Work Australia demands that I attend 3 meetings with evidence of wrong doing being presented along with 3 written warnings prior to being sacked. ;)

In seriousness, please let me know exactly what your problem is. The VAST majority of TANE users are extremely happy with the product. In our latest survey, 33% have played in 10+ hours in the past week with 27% playing 5-10 hours (versus 52% of respondents playing no other Trainz version in the past week).

93% of users report that TANE is stable and 75% report "Somewhat Satisfied" or "Very Satisfied".

Therefore I am assuming that your experience is well outside the norm.

Does your hardware meet these requirements? https://support.trainzportal.com/in...t-are-the-specifications-for-trainz-a-new-era

What are the EXACT problems you are seeing? I would love to personally help you to ensure your experience with our product is turned around so that you too can experience what many many others are experiencing.
I've been wanting to say this for a while. I wouldn't read too much into your survey statistics Tony. The links were posted in the T:ANE forum. I suspect that the answers to some of those questions would have been radically different if you'd posted the survey links in the TRS 2010 forum for example. I can't help feeling that you would have more meaningful statistics if the survey had been posted in General Trainz.

I personally feel that T:ane is the best Trainz yet - but it's also a long way from perfect and there is lots more to be done yet.

Who is Tony_Hilliam and why is he breaking my Trainz

I am at my whit's end, I am done, this product is now on my 'it sucks' list. I am a computer programmer, an arbitrator, a network engineer, and am a Microsoft sponsored and Android fan boy. How can this be so hard.

I hope this post gets deleted, it will then be immortalized as it has already been copied to Google, thus making it more relevant. I have this bad JuJu because I spent my money to upgrade from TS12 to T:ANE and feel I got ripped off. I live in America where we can boycott things and express our dis-satisfaction to things without prosecution. Ha, so there it is. I am unhappy with my purchase of T:ANE and have been offered no refund...

So as an American. I ask for Tony_Hilliam 's resignation, without retribution.

Thank You.

You may be all those things but you need to learn to spell.
I am none of those things and my TANE works fine.
First and foremost
You don't go around bashing anyone for any reason. If you have a problem with the aforementioned product, seek help here and at the help desk. Also to falsely accuse some one of doing harm to you is a felony offense in the United States. Further more, Mr. Hilliam has delivered a product that as every one knows should be considered a work in progress. Granted I may not care for Mr.Hilliam or his business practices but I wouldn't go around dragging his name or N3V Games name in to the ground. Your very statement opens you to a slander suit as well a charge of false accusation. One would think that if your skills were genuine, that you would have at least basic knowledge of internet and international law, to which you clearly don't. It's also worth mentioning that if you had all the skills that you claim to have, that you would know that at no time, in no country on the planet is there ever a refund given on digital goods , be it that you down loaded the program or bought the CDs. So my advice to you is as follows, Consult an attorney with knowledge and license to practice international law (if you feel like paying that kind of money), seek help from the help desk with the knowledge that the support is very small and most volunteer their time. I would further advise to seek help with in these forums. While I don't have TANE (the reason is solely my own) I can not and will not speak for those that do, I can however say that its users are very knowledgeable. Lastly, I would strongly advise you read the code of conduct and consider a public apology to Mr. Hilliam. While you claim to be a professional, the manner of, and grammar contained with in your post suggest otherwise. On that I bid you good day.
According to his profile he is an Auction Arbitrator, which makes me wonder if his other claims are in the professional role.
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habe alle diese Kenntnisse wie in #1 angeführt nicht. Bin aber auch ohne diese Kenntnisse in der Lage mit T:ANE Build 80349 umzugehen. Sicher mögen noch Fehler in der Version vorhanden sein, diese beeinträchtigen aber nicht meine Anforderungen die ich an die Simulation stelle. Ich kann nur hoffen das Tony Hilliam und die Mannschaft von N3V sich auch weiterhin mit der Entwicklung von T:ANE befasst, sind sie doch auf einem guten Weg. Bisher ist von dem Team großes bei der Entwicklung der Simu geleistet worden.
Lasse das unübersetzt sonst wird es evtl. nur unverständlich bzw. verstümmelt und bringt dann nicht das herüber was ich aussagen möchte....
"You may be all those things but you need to learn to spell.
I am none of those things and my TANE works fine.

I am with you on this one Mick. Life is full of "bugs" but we don't make much out of it - we just carry on and fix what we can.

Who is Tony_Hilliam and why is he breaking my Trainz

I am at my whit's end, I am done, this product is now on my 'it sucks' list. I am a computer programmer, an arbitrator, a network engineer, and am a Microsoft sponsored and Android fan boy. How can this be so hard.

I hope this post gets deleted, it will then be immortalized as it has already been copied to Google, thus making it more relevant. I have this bad JuJu because I spent my money to upgrade from TS12 to T:ANE and feel I got ripped off. I live in America where we can boycott things and express our dis-satisfaction to things without prosecution. Ha, so there it is. I am unhappy with my purchase of T:ANE and have been offered no refund...

So as an American. I ask for Tony_Hilliam 's resignation, without retribution.

Thank You.

Whilst I can see your frustration, you may want to read up on international labour laws since N3V are based in Australia and who probably have different laws to the US on that front.

It would help though if you stated exactly what you don't like so something can be done to help sort it.

Who is Christopher824 ??????
(apart from being an American with fancy titles & big shouty demands)

My Tane is running just fine & I probably know less about computing, than most on here. :)
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