Which industry requires/produces what?


New member
Good morning,

Other than going through each one in surveyor, adding them to the scenery and going to properties, is there a way to get a list of what installed industry does what? I'm guessing I could go through them all, and write down on a piece of paper what they are, but that would not be overly convenient. Of course, some of them are easy to figure out, but not all of them...

thank you,

Built-in or downloaded?
Built-in, there was a PDF in TRS'04 Docs folder that listed this, maybe it is still in '06, go through the Doc PDFs.
Non-Built-in usually tell you either on DLS listings or websites.
Well, either builtin, or downloaded... I did look for any pdf, I see a docs folder under my trainz2006 folder, but it's empty. So I'm guessing the docs are on the DVD. I don't really want to do a re-install of everything just to get to the docs, so I'm searching (as we speak) the forums for tips on how to extract the docs from the dvd.

That being said, I guess what I was hoping is that there would be a file somewhere, or multiple files I guess, where the industry would be listed, with the activity it has. Which brings me another question... Is there a way (other than the generic multi industries) to change/add what they produce/require? When I click on properties, it tells me what's it does/needs, I can change the volume (including putting it down to zero), but I couldn't find a way to add anything to it.

But thanks for jumping in and answering StorkNest, it's appreciated!!


As StorkNest said above, there was a pdf file that had a 'flowchart' which showed what produced what and what went where, bit crude in that description but that was basicly it.

You can't change what a product an industry produces, only the value as you have discovered, the only industry (kind of) that supports this is the M.I.N (Multiple Industry New) which can be configured to produce or consume pretty much any product that you want.

I'll see if I can dig up the pdf that had the 'flowchart' for you.

Hope this helps... :)
I remember seeing that flowchart, and had even printed it... (that was before I reinstalled trainz and the SP...) It was giving me enough info on the builtin ones that I could play around with it, so ya, that'd be awesome if you can find it!!

I guess the ones I was talking about in my original post, are the industries that came along some of the routes I have downloaded. I find when i go in surveyor that I have a lot more industries than I used to, and for the most part, I have no clue what they are, need, produce. Hence, my question about if there was some files somewhere under "local" that might put me in the right direction...

You'll need TRS2004, the 'flowchart' was in the Engineers_Handbook.pdf that came with it, about halfway through, found in the docs/manuals folder, only for the builtin industries.

I'll upload it for you if you havn't got it or can't find it.

Don't think you'll find anything in the local folder about other industries that you download, not much you can do with them but to jump into Surveyor, load the layout and have a look around.
How about this?
