Eagle River Asset Issues


New member
Looking for some help here, as I am at a full loss. I've been working at upgrading the Eagle River Railroad from Jointed Rail. One of the issues with it, is there are a handful of very noticeable assets that no longer work with Trainz 2022, which is fine enough. Just delete all missing/faulty assets, and replace with similar or better, right? I thought so, but that doesn't seem to be the case in one particular part. The bi-directional horn sound works fine, still shows up in the asset lists and such. The single direction sound marker, however, shows to be faulty now and doesn't show up in the route. This is fine, as I do not like nor use those horn sound markers anyways, but deleting them seems to mess with the AI. The faulty single direction marker is literally the only thing on the track splines that is removed when I use the "delete missing assets" tool, so I figure that it has to be that particular file causing this issue. Once the game removes that file, AI trains will not recognize a clear track, period. No matter how I set up the AI, whether it be on the fly or in the scenario editor, the AI still claims that the pathways are blocked. I don't understand why, though, as the horn markers are not signals. Removing them shouldn't cause the AI to see a blocked route. I want to remove the missing assets and the bi-directional markers, and put in proper auto-sound markers for AI to give proper crossing signals.
I also need to remove all of the missing roads, which requires use of the missing asset tool. If I use it, though, it removes the missing horn markers and the AI goes back to saying the paths are blocked. I'm honestly lost on what to do.
Hi Luke T.

You shouldnt have too many dramas (if any) in TS22. The route was only just rereleased for TS19/22. Make sure you download that version and the relevant dep files from the JR site. If you're still having dramas, contact JR support :)
Hi Luke T.

You shouldnt have too many dramas (if any) in TS22. The route was only just rereleased for TS19/22. Make sure you download that version and the relevant dep files from the JR site. If you're still having dramas, contact JR support :)
Unfortunately, I am using the latest download from JR and these are the problems I ran into with the current version.