JR Muiltiple Industry New Update

Hey Justin got quick question for you will it load Intermodal? I have loaded everything else except that. I tried everything nothing will load on a wellcar. It stops and all but nothing shows up. Is it a timing issue ?

Thanks Sean,
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Hey Justin got quick question for you will it load Intermodal? I have loaded everything else except that. I tried everything nothing will load on a wellcar. It stops and all but nothing shows up. Is it a timing issue ?

Thanks Sean,

You know I have not really tested it personally with intermodal, but I can't think of a reason it wouldn't work. As long as the industry has something it can transfer in it's queue, and it has that queue connected to the track as an output, and then assuming the car has a queue that can accept it should not matter what commodity is used. It doesn't have any advanced handling of such cars however, so while I think it should work if configured just right it would take a bit more care setting up.

Check to be sure you have attached the industry output queue to the track - this is something I forget sometimes too.

In the past few days I've expanded it a tiny bit more now that I am fairly sure that the missed cars and the asset search bugs are put to bed. I have introduced particle emitters that can be used for load and unload effects. This can be very useful at the many many industrial buildings that show a loading chute or pipe and also where there is a dump grate in between the rails to give them a little more immersion and activity.



Dear Justin, I've really been enjoying the latest updated version, and was hoping to have a full tutorial on the asset ready this weekend. However, I only managed to get the tutorial partway done. I am posting the link above in case others would like to make any suggestions.

The tutorial tries to cover everything about setting up industry tracks, starting from the basics. Therefore, it doesn't actually start talking about the Multi Industry II track until the 15:00 mark, and it doesn't start talking about the new functionality of the delayed loading and unloading until 18:00. For those on this forum, I suggest starting at those points instead of watching the whole thing.

While I would say the Multi Industry II track is now working very well, as you will see I did encounter a couple of problems. The largest one is that the "Navigate TO ... Load/Unload" AI train commands don't seem to work very well in Mode 2. Wonder if others have experienced that?

The second problem is that with those cars that have a load of just 1 item, such as a flat car with a single trailer or a stack of logs as a single asset, the load is taken off the car within 30 seconds, even if you set the loading time to 10 minutes or 30 minutes. Yes, the script does not mark the car as "unloaded" or "loaded" until after the relevant time, therefore checking the "load one car at a time" box can help with the issue.

I do make a couple of other very minor suggestions about the naming of the different modes. You might consider for your next update.

Thank you for this wonderful, brilliant asset, it looks set to really transform my gameplay! Quite happy over here.

Dear Justin, I've really been enjoying the latest updated version, and was hoping to have a full tutorial on the asset ready this weekend. However, I only managed to get the tutorial partway done. I am posting the link above in case others would like to make any suggestions.

The tutorial tries to cover everything about setting up industry tracks, starting from the basics. Therefore, it doesn't actually start talking about the Multi Industry II track until the 15:00 mark, and it doesn't start talking about the new functionality of the delayed loading and unloading until 18:00. For those on this forum, I suggest starting at those points instead of watching the whole thing.

Thank you I will have a look at this.

While I would say the Multi Industry II track is now working very well, as you will see I did encounter a couple of problems. The largest one is that the "Navigate TO ... Load/Unload" AI train commands don't seem to work very well in Mode 2. Wonder if others have experienced that?

The premise of Mode 2 is that something be between the arrows in the loading area. The industry will not respond to the 'Load' or 'Unload' driver command in this mode. Now I have a large session using AI that just drops and picks up cars from within these areas, and that was the intent all along. In this mode it is best to use the 'Navigate To' command to reach the industry, followed by a short wait command to set brakes, and a decouple and move on to the next command. The car left behind will be handled by the industry. I will further comment once i have seen your video.

The second problem is that with those cars that have a load of just 1 item, such as a flat car with a single trailer or a stack of logs as a single asset, the load is taken off the car within 30 seconds, even if you set the loading time to 10 minutes or 30 minutes. Yes, the script does not mark the car as "unloaded" or "loaded" until after the relevant time, therefore checking the "load one car at a time" box can help with the issue.

I had not considered that about the cars with a single item. That does make perfect sense, as the general idea was to divide the queue into smaller parts to load over a span of time and you cannot do that with a size of 1, it would be done immediately. I will consider how to handle this and attempt to address it. I think the obvious answer would be to delay until the end. What do you think?

I do make a couple of other very minor suggestions about the naming of the different modes. You might consider for your next update.

Thank you for this wonderful, brilliant asset, it looks set to really transform my gameplay! Quite happy over here.

Thank you again. I learn a lot by the way people have used it and the feedback is greatly appreciated.
I had not considered that about the cars with a single item. That does make perfect sense, as the general idea was to divide the queue into smaller parts to load over a span of time and you cannot do that with a size of 1, it would be done immediately. I will consider how to handle this and attempt to address it. I think the obvious answer would be to delay until the end. What do you think?
Yes, I think that's a good solution, provided it doesn't break the behavior for the other cars with multiple items.

I plan to have tracks that are unloading both types of cars -- hardware (7-10 items per carload) and logs (1 item per carload).

Let's say the loading time is set to 10 minutes. If a car with a load size of 1 item arrives, that unloads at the end of 10 minutes. For a car with 7 items, that unloads its first item after 10 minutes divided by 7, so it can still do all 7 items in 10 minutes.
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I am thinking of finalizing and posting my JR Multi Industry II tutorial video in public next week. Is a new version coming along shortly, and would it address some of the (admittedly quite minor) things mentioned in my video? If so, I would hold off.
Having a problem getting anything to load from a car to an industry. Unloading works great. Case in point. Trying to load Corn from a hopper to a grain mill. Have tried all combinations but it will not load. Any ideas.
I'm not sure why (maybe I missed something) but my MI2 does not have the particle effects options as shown in #82

Do I need to do something to get it to show up?

I'm not sure why (maybe I missed something) but my MI2 does not have the particle effects options as shown in #82

Do I need to do something to get it to show up?

The asset's creator hasn't yet released the final version, as it is still being perfected. But I expect it will be available as a new version on the DLS in the not too distant future.

Best, -Anders
Can someone please explain to me what I am doing wrong?

Problem 1: I have my settings set to metric and my session set to metric, but when I edit an MI2 Industry and have it set to "Load/Unload while moving" and click on the Set Maximum train speed, the value I enter is not the value it saves.​
e.g. If I enter 4 in the pop-up, it saves the value as 10 kph, if I enter 5 in the po-up it saves the value as 12 kph.​
Problem 2: I have the maximum speed while loading/unloading set to 10 kph and a speed limit sign before the industry set to this same speed, but when unloading, the consist eventually slows to just 1 or 2 kph.​
Problem 3: I have the load/unload duration set to 13 seconds, cars easily unload it that time, but random cars suddenly unload in less than a second in the same consist.​