I almost forgot about the steam engine whistles the Strasburg 90's whistle sorry I forgot what that was and the Strasburg 475 whistle and the ghost whistle of Strasburg 90
A horn that has a train viewed from @ 500' up the tracks (I never could understand why railfans set up filming right at a blaring grade crossing, and 6' distant the tracks ... when a distant shot is much better, and the distant horn doesn't blow out your sound system).
A horn that has a train viewed from @ 500' up the tracks (I never could understand why railfans set up filming right at a blaring grade crossing, and 6' distant the tracks ... when a distant shot is much better, and the distant horn doesn't blow out your sound system).
on a video I had taken with my iPhone at west Barnstable because I forgot the camera at one point during when the trash train came screeching through west Barnstable off the switch and out on the main track the screeching was so loud that my iPhone's audio cut off in the video for 4 seconds but the odd thing was is that I was standing way far back because that screeching was killing me:hehe: