What's your favorite kind of horn?

Southeastern US-American...

8) SCL, then L & N, Leslie Super-Typhon, 5 chime larger three forward, smaller two rearward. 3-5-4,2-1, like on the default SD40-2, GP38-2, PaintShed Pro locomotives.

You can download it, from my Download Station link, any CSX, Family Lines, Clinchfield locomotive.

Hornsound by Digiext.
Thats easy! 4449's whistle
And Coasters K5LA nathens (there mounted at just the right place on the cab car!)
Horns- I mostly like the lovely single chime "big honkers", but most Southern engines had nice horns! M5, RS5, P5, I believe were some of their favorites to use!
Whistles-Southern made their own! So a nice Ps4 Long Bell and a Top-levered 3 Chime are my favorite. Replicas of these fine whistles can be obtained from www.mdwhistles.com.
Here's my pic...


RS5T and RS3L for leslie
P3 and K5HR24 for Nathan
subject to change when i hear something else i like:cool:
yea i said subject to change....
whatever horns are used on Indian Railways Alco WDM2's are sweet! well at least when not badly fouled which most times they are :hehe:
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Wabco E2s, nice horns always for those first Gen. units.
Nathan K5HR24s, those are some pretty horns alright.
But, my overall favorite? Leslie S3Ls, Thats what they used on the Lehigh Valley's GP38s.(AC and -2s)
Those S3Ls always had that "GET OUT OF MY WAY" kinda sound, a nice hoarse sound, that is just music to my ears.
If I'm going to coment on horns, I will admit to liking the Nathans (3 or 4 chime) on GE's 70 ton switchers, I just don't rember the specific model number. Although this may just be the fact that I know their sound well. Give me a steam whistle any day of the week and twice on weekends. However the best horn or whistle is the one at hand.
Queensland Railways Steam Locomotive C17 whistle (I REFUSE to call it a horn:p ). Its like a low paddlesteamer whistle.
hi how are you

Where can you download horn sounds other than The Download Station, and US Locomotive Works - downloads?


Hmmm, whistles:
Victorian Railways 5 chime (As heard on the VR K class, D3 class, and various other 'light' locos, and possibly some of the larger ones), plus the R class 'Howlers' :D

For horns:
Lesly Typhoon (I believe they are called) as fitted to the VR B class diesel locos.
Rather like the 3 chime horns on the VR S class diesels (Got to stand next to diesel loco S301 about a year ago when the driver gave a nice long blast, got a rather poor recording too...)

And can't forget the Nathan 5 chimes as used on the V/Line A class diesels... Those just sound mean :D

But, I would say may favourite out of the lot is still a nice K class steam loco's 5 chime. Sends a shiver up my back with those things. Just have a really nice deep sound :)