What is the best way to get started with Trainz sessions and or rules.

I'm finally biting the bullet and want to write some scenarios the trainz way but can't find much documentation to follow on how to arrange the rules in a session so it turns out to be a scenario. The 4 pages in the manual barely scratched the surface.

I couldn't find anything that would help me write a scenario, So if there is no documentation perhaps someone could give me a couple of sessions and their routes that I could study and see how you are suppose to write a scenario.

Thanks for any help you can give me.

Rob has a few things on the Download Station that are to do with Session Creation.

Here, for TS12 SP1 (search for author "Rob", or "Auran" in CM)
NavPoints Demo, <kuid:523:19723184>
NavPoints Series, <kuid:523:19723185>
NavPoints Simultaneous, <kuid:523:19723186>
Session Score, <kuid:523:19723194>

There's also this Auran N3V "Sessions & Rules" tutorial here.

Some more, about using AI Drivers.

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Scenarios are not allowed since TS12: anyway, they were very complex beasts, requiring programming capabilities as complex as those required by scripting.

The "Sessions and Rules Manual" is still a very valuable reference, even if it is 10 years old. The tutorials contained therein will introduce the basic concepts, which so far have remained unchanged.

You can also find useful information on the Trainz Wiki



Start with the very basic tutorials in the S&R Manual and in the Wiki, then open the sessions included with the built-in routes and examine how rules and orders are used to obtain various in-game effects, from train routing to station announcements or dispatcher radio communications.

There are many useful rules and driver orders on the DLS: unfortunately, some of them have no documentation about their use.

Good luck with your sessions!
I was just reading in the forum and I was curious about AI commands and different things thank you so much for the excellent information that you presented here that will help me a lot is I'm new two trains to as well I started in December on my iPad so I'm learning like crazy and I've barely scratched the surface you guys are amazing and I love this forum thank you so much.

Respectfully yours,
