What is DLS Cleanup?


Trainz Luvr since 2004
What is the DLS Cleanup?

One of our good, fellow Trainzers PMd me to say I had several items on this DLS Public Cleanup List.

What is this list? Where is it located? What exactly does public mean? Can other members update these assets to TANE standards for dowload as a replacement to my older outdated assets?

I don't think I have any issue with this as they are only reskins but I'm hoping it will obsolete my original version in CM so it can easily be replaced by the new version created by someone else.
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Click on the MyTrainz at the top this page. Down the left side under the heading Trainz you will see a link DLS Cleanup.
On the introductory page, click on the text Public Listing to bring up the complete table of assets, then use the Search box to narrow it down to assets under your kuid number. I'm not sure of the search syntax needed there and it doesn't show an example, so you need to experiment.

It's best if you do your own repairs because others may do a bad job of it. As long as it's error free it will be accepted regardless of artistic quality or function, and it stays under your kuid anyway.

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Thank you. Never knew that even existed. So how do I generate a list of items of mine that need repair?

Note that some of these are already upgraded, and cannot be handled through that cleanup page because the next incremental version is already on the DLS. As they have now made it to the list, they should not be upgraded through your usual upload process, but only as cleanup items, even if you do it yourself. Otherwise they will stay on the list forever.

They should be upgraded to build 3.5, but unless you can test in T:ANE they should not be changed, especially if they are error-free in TS12. If you can't test in T:ANE then it might be best to leave them for someone else.
The DLS cleanup is where someone takes one of my routes that says "This route is for TRS2009 ... ", and cleans it up with a TS12 trainz-build number.

The end result that it no longer works in '09 because '09 will not accept the TS12 trainz-build.

It will also not work in TS12 because of faulty dependencies.

The new one also obsoletes my old one so that my old one cannot be downloaded (unless resorting to the "hidden" FTP page).

I suspect that I'm not alone here. And that's progress?

The DLS cleanup is where someone takes one of my routes that says "This route is for TRS2009 ... ", and cleans it up with a TS12 trainz-build number.



One of the conditions for repairing an asset is that the repair should not alter the author's original intent. This is what the DLS Cleanup site says:
  • You are not permitted to fundamentally change the content beyond what is necessary for the repairs.
Your statement in the config.txt could be interpreted that you only wanted it to work in TS09. The problem, of course, is that any DLS repaired asset must be set to build 3.5 so it can be uploaded. However, it begs the question of what was wrong with the route anyway as the build number of the original asset would not cause it to be marked as an error.

However, it begs the question of what was wrong with the route anyway as the build number of the original asset would not cause it to be marked as an error.

Unless it happened very recently, it would have been flagged as faulty - prior to the latest round of additions everything in the list was faulty in TS12. Most faulty routes have an incorrect filename reference in the thumbnail, but others have issues such as missing region tags. A build number that is out of date is not enough to flag an asset as faulty and get it into the list - there must have been some other reason.

The original route is unaffected and will continue to work in '09. Faulty dependencies do not stop the updated version from working in TS12 - the missing items can be replaced if they are important.
... A build number that is out of date is not enough to flag an asset as faulty and get it into the list - there must have been some other reason.

It seems likely to be something trivial but the "validation process" in use doesn't seem to correct those. This has been argued elsewhere.

The original route is unaffected and will continue to work in '09. Faulty dependencies do not stop the updated version from working in TS12 - the missing items can be replaced if they are important.

There's no argument from me that it should continue to work for 09. But N3V want assets to be usable for the current version of Trainz which is T:ANE.

I'm left wondering that if an author has marked an asset for a particular version, as Philskene appeared to do, then the original asset should be left alone and a new version created with the original author's permission. BTW I believe that changing a route's kuid breaks any sessions associated with the original route.
It seems likely to be something trivial but the "validation process" in use doesn't seem to correct those. This has been argued elsewhere.
The validation process does not do any correcting - it either accepts the upload or rejects it with an error message. This is the correct procedure.

But N3V want assets to be usable for the current version of Trainz which is T:ANE.
No. Uploads will be accepted at build level 3.5. The current validation process applies some rules specific to T:ANE, but does not confirm that the asset works in T:ANE. Prior to widespread access to T:ANE, some uploading occurred at build level 3.5 without T:ANE testing. At the time this asset was uploaded it is likely that the required minimum build version was 2.9, and the validation rules did not include any T:ANE standards.

I'm left wondering that if an author has marked an asset for a particular version, as Philskene appeared to do, then the original asset should be left alone and a new version created with the original author's permission.
Once the asset is uploaded the author is deemed to have agreed to the DLS conditions. The author is advised before it is put onto the list, and it might be possible to object at that point. N3V is not likely to look at comments when putting it in the list, and once it's in the list then it will be upgraded. The original asset is unchanged.

I believe that changing a route's kuid breaks any sessions associated with the original route.
Probably. But the original sessions continue to work with the original route. Anyone is welcome to apply the fixes from the later version without changing the KUID and retain use of the sessions. The point of the cleanup is simply to get an error-free version onto the DLS with a build number that marks it for the current supported version of the game.
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Originally Posted by pcas1986
But N3V want assets to be usable for the current version of Trainz which is T:ANE.


No. Uploads will be accepted at build level 3.5. ...

Actually, they do. N3V have said so elsewhere. At this time the range of acceptable uploadable asset builds is between 4.3, when SP1 (I think) comes out and 3.5. What I said is correct.

I don't think we are in total disagreement. I'm collecting information and viewpoints on DLS management which is why I engaged in this thread.
But N3V want assets to be usable for the current version of Trainz which is T:ANE.

You can speculate all you like about what they want, but the fact is that at the moment the minimum acceptable build version is 3.5, and there is no requirement for the asset to work in T:ANE. There is validation against some T:ANE special requirements, but it is quite possible to upload assets at build 3.5 that do not work in T:ANE.
I've had a few items appear on the cleanup list recently and after finding nothing wrong with them just incremented the build from 2.9 to 3.7, uploaded, and they were approved.

Makes ya wonder a little doesn't it.:confused:

I've had a few items appear on the cleanup list recently and after finding nothing wrong with them just incremented the build from 2.9 to 3.7, uploaded, and they were approved.

Makes ya wonder a little doesn't it.:confused:


Yes, but a few I downloaded did have errors, which I forgot to send a note to you about. :)

If they show errors for me but not for you on uploading, this means there's a fault in the error checking for that build number up on the DLS.

The fix in your case is pretty simple.

You need to check the smoke container.

You use mode 1. mode is not a binary (1 or 0) value. It is a time function based on a bunch of parameters such as timeofday (spelled just as it is here).

I fixed a bunch of them from before in about 20 seconds using a search and replace tool I have. :)

Yes - I'm aware of that smoke error. Dates way back to when I started I think.

I have had items on the cleanup list with valid (and easily fixed) errors. Its the few that have no errors that I wonder about. Not a biggie of course but to my way of thinking should not have appeared on the list at all.

All in all the cleanup is a good idea.

Yes - I'm aware of that smoke error. Dates way back to when I started I think.

I have had items on the cleanup list with valid (and easily fixed) errors. Its the few that have no errors that I wonder about. Not a biggie of course but to my way of thinking should not have appeared on the list at all.

All in all the cleanup is a good idea.


Yup. Those are going to be the most difficult. These are semantical errors, meaning they say what they mean but are interpreted differently by the game code. This will always be the problem especially as the code gets more and more complex. The problem too is this type of problem can be self-inflicted too as we fix stuff like with engine specs, for example. Someone fixed some engine specs so now there's a bunch of locos that don't work properly with the spec they have. The intention by the user was good, and yes there are no visible errors, but they don't work like they're supposed to.

If you are interested, I use Search and Replace Master to fix these mode 1 or mode 0 problems.

I open up a bunch of assets, all with the same error, setup the parameters and location, hit the search button and before I can finish the mouse button click, all the errors are fixed! I've fixed 50 or more at one shot. I got spooked when I thought about doing more than that! You never had that many, but in the past I've run into many hundreds of issues with one creator probably due to copy and pasting.

If you're wondering, I'm not volunteering to fix stuff... I did enough of that on my own already.

FYI, you don't need to increment to 3.7, 3.5 will do. Unless it's already at 3.7, it won't take advantage of the new features introduced in later versions of TS12, so there won't be errors about unsupported tags or features.