What Industry would you like to see next?


Official N3V DLC Partners
Have an idea for an industrial module? Let's hear it! We want to know what you would like to see next as an industrial module. We have several options we have been talking about but we would like to hear your thoughts on what should be next.

Meat packing plant. With cow death cries sounds and blood. More blood and beaf. Fresh beaf! Oh yeah! MUHAHAHAHA!

P.S: Or little poultry...

JR hear is a challenge for you How about a whole complete black carbon plant and I mean full size.
I have to agree with you Matt on that one. A 40s-50s era route would be absolutely perfect. Since JR has a good selection of Steam/Transition-era equipment, why not do a route that showcases some of this content? We already have a healthy selection of coal hoppers begging to be used on a 40s-50s era route. Also, as much I don't mind modern American (1970s-Present), they just aren't my area of interest. You guys already have a good selection of Modern, so why not change things up a bit and do some Steam/Transition era routes? I'm sure that they would be popular...
This may not be exactly what you're going for, but what about late transition/2nd gen repair shop? Something like Roanoke or Spencer? Would be a good place for people to start building a terminal. Or perhaps a coke plant. Should work well with most eras and provide some interesting operations. Plus it gives a destination for Diamond River coal...
-A quarry, it could be called Mono Quarry to go with the Baldwin S12.
-A chemical plant.
-Maybe a modern stockyard facility, with modern stock cars, like the HOGX cars.

The first 2 would work with the existing CC&W stuff.
I think a 30's/40's auto plant would be pretty interesting and really fun, maybe with a Detroit/Michigan or Chicago feel to it. Might also be cool to see CC&W or PVRR in the steam/transition era as a part of it.
Auto plant would be fun. I worked at a GM plant for a while and part of my job was dealing with the daily raiload deliveries
I think a 30's/40's auto plant would be pretty interesting and really fun, maybe with a Detroit/Michigan or Chicago feel to it. Might also be cool to see CC&W or PVRR in the steam/transition era as a part of it.

I think Isegrinns NM&W fits the bill for 40's and 50's era autoplant. Say what ever happened to him and that amazing route?
I think Isegrinns NM&W fits the bill for 40's and 50's era autoplant. Say what ever happened to him and that amazing route?

Part of it does, but having some more content to toy around with in that vein would be really nice nonetheless. Also, there isn't a specific route centered around that sort of industry, so it would definitely be different.
How's about a complete logging set-up from the actual loco's like these baby's

The SW1200 and you could also try for sum older log skel's along with the caboose's, If you click thru the pages on that link there are sum interesting idea's on how they load or trans load the log's from trucks with these large frame thingy ma jigger's. You'd have to come up with sum better trees then what is available now though i think.
Cheers Mick.