Hello Trainzers. Long time, no see. I've decided to jump back into Trainz again after a few years of being gone. I'm attempting to get back into it again. Currently in the process of building another route. Roughly 200 miles, blah, blah, blah. A fictitious layout with 2 ports on both ends. The problem remains tho as it did when I left. There is still no 40ft wellcars that carry JR's 40ft containers. I seen Joe (socalwb909) was working on some but has seemed to have abandoned the project I guess. So my dilemma still remains. No 40ft well cars... Other than Davesnow's Gunderson's which are beautiful!! But the attachment points don't allow for double stack JR 40ft Containers. So, my question is, does anyone know where I can find one? (Other than the 53 ft wellcars - it doesn't look prototypical, at all lol). I'm fairly well rounded with Trainz so with a guidance I believe I can add some attachment points. I've researched all topics on attachment points and got a lot of mixed reviews on how the process actually works. It seems easy enough in one thread then another thread someone says it a nightmare. I just want a prototypical operation of the largest commodity (other than coal) in North America lol. Help!