War in Toyland, 1945

Only us Brits could design one of those (and it's not our weirdest) ... it's simply a way of exploiting a railway that was already there - not a new invention. Thanks for sharing though.

If you're interested look at the thread about 15" gauge trains in the Freeware Section - you could suggest it in there along with our other suggestions.
I understand they did manage to shoot down one German aircraft .......

The pilot was captured by the British but was extremely upset, 'The shame of being shot down by a TOY train! :'(

I understand they did manage to shoot down one German aircraft .......

The pilot was captured by the British but was extremely upset, 'The shame of being shot down by a TOY train! :'(


Yes. And it was a Messerchmitt Bf 109 to boot! --- Fixed his "Little Red Wagon".

That is just too funny!:hehe: The men in the train are just as serious as if they were in a full sized one too! It was probably safer than full size also, as it would make a much smaller target for the german planes. Not to mention the fact that derailments would be a whole lot less problematic.

I can just imagine the pilot's reaction.

Heck, years later I can see him trying to explain it.

Ja, it is true! I swear I was shot down by a toy train! No I wasn't drinking. I swear to it!
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Nice Scots touch there Alex23 but we have no tigers - except maybe in Edinburgh at weekends. Certainly not here in Glasgow.
Nice Scots touch there Alex23 but we have no tigers - except maybe in Edinburgh at weekends. Certainly not here in Glasgow.

Hi rjhowie,


The Bengal tiger, and the big Cat's in general, are a seperate interest of my own.

Its my quiet way of supporting the Preservation of these magnificent animals.


PS My pet cats name is Bengal Tiger the 2nd. I don't have much trouble with intruders at my place. lol

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