Usb controller module


New member
Several years ago... There once was a desktop controller unit that was made for these programs. Now that I have the money and a new super duper computer to run TANE. I am having a hard time finding it. Can someone help me with this, or tell me why they aren't available anymore?
hehe, no worries Kieran :). Hey, I want to know out of interest if anyone has one of these and what do they think of it.
Thanks, that is what I was looking for. I've had every updated version of trains since 2006. I've just built my first computer by myself (quite an accomplishment I do admit). So I could play this new update and built it beyond so any further updates will work also (over killed the specks). I thought it would be fitting to try to get to use the raildriver unit since it was built for these simulators. Hopefully they do resolve these issues "soon".