Unregistering serials

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New member
Over the past 2 weeks I have sent fourteen messages to helpdesk, not ever have I received a reply. I believe this is because the only person running helpdesk, Alan, was fired and no one is left to tend to it. I want my serials to be unregistered because I am putting both copies of TRS2006 and Classics up for sale on Ebay. Also, I would appreciate it if my account is removed from Planet Auran. I know it can be done.

And also, how much do you think they would be worth? Both boxes are in mint shape, as well as the CDs/DVDs, and nothing is missing (pamplets, stickers, etc.)

I would like for someone to please get back with me. The account name is Lo_Poly.

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Over the past two weeks? While they have been on vacation?
I would imagine they would be slow to respond....
Not possible. You could include the serial numbers with the software along with your Username and Password and create a new one, but this is dangerous and inadvisable. In any event, the most you can expect anyone to offer is $10-$15, so why sell at all. Just keep the games.
Over the past two weeks? While they have been on vacation?
I would imagine they would be slow to respond....
To be honest it was 4 messages over the past week. The rest had bounced for some reason (server problems I suppose).

Not possible. You could include the serial numbers with the software along with your Username and Password and create a new one, but this is dangerous and inadvisable.
I've had about 6 other people who have used Trainz tell me it can be done (on other Trainz forums, such as NAT).

In any event, the most you can expect anyone to offer is $10-$15, so why sell at all. Just keep the games.
That amount of money is fine to me. I wouldn't mind an extra $30 - $40 in my wallet. Besides, I'm not too keen of "Boxware". Actually, I hate it. It's just more clutter.
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Im trying to contact them, but nothing its been over 3 weeks now! If someone that works or helps with the help desk please check the messages.. This is really annoying now..

i am using the right thing... www.auran.com/helpdesk
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Nearly 7am the coffee should be ready and an other hour before they would start work, most office type places start at 8am around here.


Emails? were you by chance sending your requests to: helpdesk@auran.com? if so all emails to that acc't are deleted imediatly and are not read. if you need to contact them, use the online form: www.auran.com/helpdesk

I was using www.auran.com/helpdesk. Sorry, I should have said "messages".

Hopefully someone from auran will sit down at the desk soon and notice this thread. My mother is already taking pictures of the game boxes even though I told her to wait. :o

Rethink what you are requesting .
If Auran were to allow everyone to unregister, so they can receive a $10 bill, what would be Auran's reasoning ?
Bite the bullet and get what you can get !
You bought it, you used it, you definately enjoyed it !

Hope you are enjoying yourself after leaving ?

I'd have to agree. Auran's running a business. Where's the profit for them to unregister your game so that you can sell it to someone else?

Well, if other people who have owned Trainz have been able to have their Trainz serials unregistered, Spaid or someone can certainly do it for me too.

I doubt that they have. What you are asking Auran to do is unsell the registration number, which they certain won't consider.
I doubt that they have. What you are asking Auran to do is unsell the registration number, which they certain won't consider.

You have it wrong. They already have the $60+ I've paid them for TRS2006 and Classics. By unregistering the serials and deleting my account, they're not "unselling" anything.
What you purchase is a copy of the program and a licence to use it.

The licence is non-transferable - i.e. once registered it won't be re-issued, so that copy is effectively useless.

Pretty well all software houses have the same conditions - e.g. Microsoft (limits you to 1 registered PC - and you can't "move" the registration).
I think that all the software I have is licenced under the same conditions:-

see the ELUA for Trainz Classics:-

  • 3.1 Subject to the terms and conditions of this License, Auran grants to you a personal, non-transferable and non-exclusive license to:
    (a) install and use the Software, at any one time, on a single stand alone computer in accordance with normal operating procedures as notified by Auran from time to time; and
    (b) either:
    (i) make one copy of the Software that is in electronic form solely for back-up or archival purposes in support of your permitted use of the Software; or
    (ii) transfer the Software that is in electronic form to a single hard disk, provided you keep the original solely for back-up or archival purposes.

It also notes that if you don't agree to the conditions you should not open the pack and return it for a refund.

There is, after all, no profit for Auran in re-registering a product and most businesses will look after the profit ...


No, L_P, YOU have it wrong. Quoting item 3 from Auran's license, to which you agreed by installing the software:

3.1 Subject to the terms and conditions of this License, Auran grants to you a personal, non-transferable and non-exclusive license
By installing each version of TRS, you agreed that the license you h ave in non-transferable. This means that you cannot "unregister" your serial number. If you are in the U.S., you may certainly sell the disks, manuals, &c. that contain the software to which you hold a non-transferable license, and stop using the software. What will have to happen in that instance, though, is that the purchaser will have to make his or her own arrangements with Auran to obtain a new serial number; when you installed the software you agreed that your right to use the software (license) was non-transferable.

BTW, keep in mind that most any commercial trainsimulator you purchase, whether MSTS, MSTS2, KRS, &c., is almost certainly going to have the same terms in it's license.

About the only ones who could purchase our disks legally might be someone else who has a valid license, whose disks have become lost, or damaged, or somehow destroyed. They could purchase your disks to use with the license they already own, but your license is yours.

If you spent 20 hours with the software, this amounts to a cost of about $3.00 per hour; I doubt you'd have been able to get commercial entertainment anywhere else that cheaply, so I'd say you got your money's worth.

The only time Auran has allowed a transfer of registration was when the recipient was a charity or non-profit agency helping the under-privileged.
You do not own the game, you payed for a non-transferable license to use a copy of it.
I fully realize that some people have sold their registered serial number and user name with their copy of TRS and that makes them pirates, please do not argue this point, it is correct, as the conditions of use that you agree to state that it is NON transferable END OF STORY...... PERIOD !!!!!!!!!!!!

Cheers David

ps, why must people have a go at Auran when they decide to give up on TRS, why can't they just post a cya's thread and leave.
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