Unload playing up


Well-known member
I have two CDE M.I.Ns representing a dock, one import, one export, the consist visits the export MIN, unloads then just sits there.
If I delete the unload instruction it will stop and then depart so there is nothing wrong with the trackwork.
I am using the CDE MIN as I need 6 products exporting.
The product is in Q1, done the edbr etc.
Baffled, TRS22
After it unloads you need to give it a track mark to go to. Once there you can tell it to delete or instant load and return.
After it unloads you need to give it a track mark to go to. Once there you can tell it to delete or instant load and return.

In frustation I deleted the MIN and track connected to it, re-programmed and added a trackmark, first one through, five more to go! :) Looks good.

Edit: 2hrs, all unloading and behaving themselves! Thanks.
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