Ultramegaroute soon to be released


Active member
Okay, as I'm not the fastest route creator in the world, it was only a matter of time before I ended up merging my other two maps.

After putting the GHOO and the Gilby & Wallace together, it ended up being over 250kms long, with over 200 industries.

I've redone a lot of the texturing and fixed some other stuff that I was never totally happy with.

Also, I'm putting the finishing touches on a winter version.

If all goes well, these should be released (if anyone is interested) within the next few weeks, under the name of UMR (Ultramegaroute).

Here's a few shots.



I like big routes, so i'll be looking for it. Have the Ghoo already, but missed the other one.:rolleyes:
Getting impatient I guess, who's the progress!:eek: :D


They're both in pretty good shape (I think) now, so I'm just going to run them for another week or so to find any last minute changes that need to be made.

Hopefully they'll be available the week of Christmas. Hohoho!

Thanks for understanding my impatences. Even though I don't know the difference between "Who's" and How's.:rolleyes:
Hey everyone

Naw, I'm still here! And happy New Year to everyone.

What has happened, is that I had sent the routes off to Alan Yeomans in Australia, but then noticed some problems that I wanted to fix, so I have asked him to disregard the disk, if the Canadian postal system hasn't lost it, that is!

Anyway, I'm about 99.9% ready to go here - I've just been running the routes for a few days, and writing down anything that I need to fix. It's getting to the point where I'm not really finding any more errors so I just want to run it for another week or so, to ensure that all of the bugs have been exterminated. :D

If all goes well, and Alan is able to upload it at his end, there will actually be two routes:

1 - The Ultramegaroute
2 - UMR - First snow (winter version)

And of course, there will be two "Base" sessions for each which will set up all of the industries (one with AI coal trains, and one with NO rolling stock).

Thanks for the interest, and hopefully it will be on the dls in within the next few weeks - I'll keep y'all posted!

Hey everyone

Naw, I'm still here! And happy New Year to everyone.

What has happened, is that I had sent the routes off to Alan Yeomans in Australia, but then noticed some problems that I wanted to fix, so I have asked him to disregard the disk, if the Canadian postal system hasn't lost it, that is!
Send by disk ? why can't you upload this route yourself ? or is the filesize to big ?

Sorry to ask, it just seems strange to me.

It will be nice to have both those routes merged. I use both on a regular basis with portals linking them together. Keep up the good work.:)
Send by disk ? why can't you upload this route yourself ? or is the filesize to big ?

Sorry to ask, it just seems strange to me.


There is a limit of 20mb for uploading to the dls - these are over 30mb, so they can only be loaded manually by the folks at Auran, hence the reason I have to send the routes via mail to Australia.

Ok - I think it's time to get this thing in the mail.

I'll get the routes in the mail on Friday, and hopefully they will be uploaded by Alan Yeomans (as he has graciously offered to help me out!)

I haven't really found any more errors, so I'm pretty happy with the result.

Thanks for your patience.

I've been patient and I will still be patient in waiting for it to get onto the DLS. Thanks, in advance for what will be a very nice layout

Faulty Nortons

I've download both and can't find the files to correct Norton's plant 4/5.
Could you advise how to correct these...note do not have 2004 to copy files from.
Ahh, the Norton problem arises again.

It's too bad we lost the forums a while back, because there was a thread to address this problem.

The simple answer is: it's easier to just delete the missing assets, and put some generic warehouses in it's place.

It turns out the original Norton plant didn't transfer too well and really caused more problems than were necessary.

Once the merged route comes out, you should see this problem fixed, along with a bunch of others.

Thanks for your patience.

On it's way!!!!

Because of the size of the route(s), I could not upload it to the dls using the traditional methods. I've saved the .cdp files to disc and mailed them to Australia, where the folks at Auran can bypass the 20MB limit and upload it from their end.

I've just put the disc in the mail and was told it should arrive down under within a week or so.

So if all goes well, both the original and the winter version, and their relative startup sessions should be available on the dls within 2 weeks.

Thanks for the encouragement and I hope it brings as much enjoyment to y'all as it did to me creating it over the years!
