UK signal box levers


New member
Does anyone have any dimensions (and or possibly 2 or 3 views of them) for the levers in the signal boxes? I know the spacing between them range from 4 1/8" to 5 1/8" but I cant seem to find any dimensions and views to get the shape correct.

There are loads of different types. Have you anything particular in mind or just a signal lever? I can get you images of some used on Northern Ireland railway if that's of use? Many of them were made in the UK anyway.
Thanks guys. The signalbox site is a good one but does ot give me what I want. I guess the only answer at the moment is to make soething that looks right. One thing I do know is that the handle part of it is 12" long so I guess I shall have to work from that.
Anthony, I don't have any particular information about the levers in the signal box. But doing a bit of research on your recent posts, I see that the signal box was an asset of NER. Have you been in touch with the NER Historical Society (<>)? That would be the first place I would start. You might be able to come up with plans for the interlocking machine (it might be called something different in the UK, but in the US this is the name for the assembly of levers and control rods), including dimensions, and perhaps even photos of the interior.

Antony, I just realised that my previous message wasn't very clear. I'm actually at a preserved railway this Saturday (as long as there isn't more snow) and can take all the measurements/pictures you need. There are ground frames and a box there. Let me know.
Antony, I just realised that my previous message wasn't very clear. I'm actually at a preserved railway this Saturday (as long as there isn't more snow) and can take all the measurements/pictures you need. There are ground frames and a box there. Let me know.

Yes please. Preference is for the levers in the box but the ground frame would be good too. Pushing it I know but any chance of getting info on the block instruments as well please?

Many thanks
I can't recall what instruments are actually in the box as it's not yet complete, but I'll take shots and measurements of what is there.