Tube stock


New member
I have got a couple of tube trains on TS2010 which are the D stock, R stock and 1996TS.

I tried to get the 1967 and the 1938/Class 483 but they have faulty assets. How can I fix them or where else can I get trainz tube stock?
What faults have they got? Right-click the assets and use View Errors and Warnings. If it's a red ?, right-click > View Dependencies > View in Main List first.

Clicked on errors and warning and nothing loaded up BUT I went onto missing dependancies and I found the following:

With the 1967: faulty "electric" (sound I think?)
MaxM Engine1 for tram.

This is also the issue with the 1938 tube stock as well.

How do I fix them?
I'm very inexperienced.
OK - regarding the 'electric' asset, right-click this, select Edit, then Revert to Original.

As for the MaxM Engine1 asset, right-click this and use View Errors and Warnings, then post any errors that appear.
