TS2010 Multiplayer - Old MFX_Lib Version: Please Update Now


Anyone know what this means?
I just do not see Multiplayer Activity in TS2010 anymore.
Only Multiplayer I have cause can't afford TS12 and might as well wait for new version which will be old version with a twist of lime. :wave:

Does this have the main reason for that?
How does one resolve?
After re-reading it, I'm now assuming that the content that uses Mfx_Lib is not multiplayer compatible due to the requirement of having to download it from an external site.

It is part of the Port Ogden Route and it looks to be that way. I have that file and the obsoleted version. Interesting.
This has turned into finding a flaw i m unsure has been found or fixed.

Multiplayer ONLY looks for certain type of files ( example: ......gs ) with the EXACT KUID in the MP Session/Route Config.
If that file is obsoleted, you get the above error. Finding the exact KUID in the Session/Route Config, changing to the latest version fixed the script warning.

Major flaw in my opinion....