TRS2022+, strange behaviour with UDS (Unified Driver Surveyor)


Active member
I have TRS2022 Plus, build 119450.

I believe I have learned how to use UDS correctly (put trains on session layer, don't save the session if you want to preserve the starting position, etc.) So far, so good.

I have a route with 9 trains. I have placed trackmarks to document the precise starting position of each train. Everything works until I do this:

After loading route, edit session, change active layer to route. Working in surveyor classic, I un-pause to observe cars moving on roads. When I do this, 5 of the 9 trains start to move, while 4 of the 9 remain in their starting position. Why? I have not issued a drive session command since loading the route. The "restart all rules" in "edit session" remains grayed out, probably because the trains have not moved far enough. I can live with this as long as I do not unpause while in surveyor mode. But why would only 5 of the 9 trains move? Anyone else experienced this?
One thing that I would check, sorry if it is "bleedingly obvious" but it is best to eliminate some possibilities. Do the moving trains have driver commands in the Driver Setup Rule?

I am a bit confused over your methodology. Does your line "After loading route, edit session" mean "Load the Route and Session into Surveyor" without first switching from Driver mode to Surveyor mode via the UDS or have you stopped (paused) Driver mode and used the UDS to switch to Surveyor?
To pware: All 9 trains have driver commands. I should have made that clear in my original post.

I never do this: Load route, view sessions, choose session, then directly click on drive session.

I always do this: Load route, view sessions, choose session, then choose edit session on the same screen. This puts me in surveyor after the route & session load. Then I change the active layer from session to route (I don't want to place any splines or objects on the session layer). Then I work on the route. The problem arises if I un-pause while in surveyor.
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My next thought was that you have loaded a saved "Driver Session", or "Driver Game", i.e. a session that had already commenced operation, but my experiments attempting that have confirmed to me that these cannot be loaded into Surveyor. The fact that the "Restart Rules" options in the Session Editor are grayed out confirms that the session has not commenced operation.

The only way that I know to achieve this effect is to use the UDS to switch from Driver to Surveyor while some consists are in motion and then click "unpause" - and there are specific warnings against doing that in the Wiki documentation.

Apart from the above exception the fact that unpausing Surveyor starts some consists moving is an indication that something is "not right". To answer your final question in your initial post, I have never experienced this in a route and session loaded directly into Surveyor, and I just tested a few of my sessions to confirm this.

I have no ideas apart from deleting the offending consists, saving the session, and then reinstalling them one by one and test again after each - i.e. save the new session with the added consist, exit, reload and "unpause" again.
This will always happen when you release the pause while in surveyor mode. It also happens when you unpause at the start of the driver mode. The delay in scripts being read causes this. I have several trains that start to move but after a couple of seconds stop when they get their instructions. In surveyor mode, they never get any instructions.
This will always happen when you release the pause while in surveyor mode. It also happens when you unpause at the start of the driver mode. The delay in scripts being read causes this. I have several trains that start to move but after a couple of seconds stop when they get their instructions. In surveyor mode, they never get any instructions.
The trick I learned very quickly was always have the Pause ON when in Surveyor mode, never unpause in Surveyor.
I always put a Wait... 20 seconds at the beginning of all my schedules to allow for Trainz to settle down before driving. This gives the schedules and objects a chance to load up before the AI starts driving.

What I find annoying is using UDS to switch back into Surveyor to untangle the AI because the junctions remain locked. In order to unlock the junctions, I have to pull the AI far enough away from the junctions, un-pause to release the junctions then quickly, then pause again so the AI don't grab the junctions or screw around more with each other.