Get Rid of UDS

Pware, the problem from the original post does not appear in your information page. The point was they went from driver to surveyor mode and changed to session layer. They added the engine and wanted to save. The only save option was to save the session, no route save as the route was not altered. They would need to do something in the route layer to get the A & B choices. Adding to the session layer means that you can not exit without saving the session because what you added will not be saved.
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The point was they went from driver to surveyor mode and changed to session layer. They added the engine and wanted to save. The only save option was to save the session, no route save as the route was not altered. They would need to do something in the route layer to get the A & B choices.
But that is exactly how it should work with, or without, the UDS. If you alter a session (session data or session layer) but not anything in the route then only the session needs to be saved. If you need to save both (for whatever reason) then you will need to alter something in the route as well (e.g. move a tree a few centimetres). The same situation occurs when editing the environmental settings - most of which can be saved in the route, or the session or both depending on what object(s) you move or edit.

Adding to the session layer means that you can not exit without saving the session because what you added will not be saved.

I just tested that by starting a session in Driver, switching to the UDS, adding something to the Session Layer and then I tried a couple of Exit options while in Surveyor
  1. pressing Ctrl+S to save and the Save Session options appeared giving me a choice of Overwrite the existing session, Create a new session or Cancel the save
  2. selecting Exit Surveyor/Exit Game from the Main Menu. The normal exit save options appeared Don't Save, Save or Cancel. Selecting Save jumped back to the Save Session options described above. Selecting Don't Save exited without saving.
I repeated this after switching from Surveyor back to Driver and trying some exit options
  1. pressing Ctrl+S to save and the Save Session options appeared giving me a choice of Overwrite the existing session, Create a new session or Cancel the save
  2. selecting Exit Driver/Exit Game from the Main Menu. The normal exit save options appeared Don't Save, Save or Cancel. Selecting Save jumped back to the Save Session options described above. Selecting Don't Save exited without saving.
Those are my experiences anyway.
Hi again, the operator did not exit in the video. They went to driver mode then surveyor. They changed to session layer and added an engine (2). They then went back to driver mode and then did a save. Only the session was available as in your 1 above. They created a new session which they later exited from driver mode. As it was a session created in driver mode it overwrote the previous saved driver mode session. On their relaunch they selected the driver mode session which loaded at the point they exited. The original engine had left the route and the newly added engine became 1 and not 2 as in the previous session. The original sessions are still there to be selected.
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Ok, are we talking about saving sessions or driver games (also known as driver sessions or just "saved games" - the terminology can be confusing)?

I have, on the odd occasion, noticed that when saving after making the switch back to driver via the UDS the save driver game window appears instead of the save session window. I suspect that an intermittent bug is the cause but it does not happen predictably enough to be reproduce-able at will and put in a bug report. It is not a frequent event but is annoying never-the-less. It is for this reason that I prefer to save while still in Surveyor, not in Driver.
Maybe linked to this old bug (occurs since day one of UDS): switching from Driver to Surveyor via UDS, then back to Driver, and the next save becomes a new session instead of a saved game (even if nothing has been made in Surveyor).
HPL, That is correct, if you do a save while in driver mode it will be a driver session save, not a game session save. If you exit, then save, while in driver mode it saves at the point you exit. You can only save to the start session from surveyor mode unless you don't save the driver session.
I enter surveyor and like Pware do any changes and save before entering driver mode. Only UDS route changes can be saved to the route on exiting, session changes will be saved as a driver session
I also noticed you must save twice. For instance, it'll ask you to overwrite or create a new session, which you must choose. Then when attempting to exit the game, it'll create a session save that's time stamped, with date, and length of play in minutes, hours and seconds. Don't understand that but okay.
When you open a time-stamped session, you are opening a driver session not a game session. It asks twice because the first save was an in-session save (you did not exit). The second save was an exit save which saved all the positions of trains, commands, etc at that point.
Then when attempting to exit the game, it'll create a session save that's time stamped, with date, and length of play in minutes, hours and seconds. Don't understand that but okay.
That is giving you the option to save the current state of play (a Driver Game) so that you can later return to resume that game from that point - something that was lacking in the early versions of Trainz where you had to restart the session from the very beginning each time. The date and time stamp with the length of play indicates that it is a Driver Game, not a session. I often use these when testing a session and will frequently have several games of the same session, with different date/time/play data, available so I can restart from any of the saved points.
That is giving you the option to save the current state of play (a Driver Game) so that you can later return to resume that game from that point - something that was lacking in the early versions of Trainz where you had to restart the session from the very beginning each time. The date and time stamp with the length of play indicates that it is a Driver Game, not a session. I often use these when testing a session and will frequently have several games of the same session, with different date/time/play data, available so I can restart from any of the saved points.

Only problem is with UDS it updates the session to have trains be located at where that particular session when it was saved. In TANE, you could save the session but it wouldn't destroy the original session. Just create a driver session and not mess with the game session.
Only problem is with UDS it updates the session to have trains be located at where that particular session when it was saved. In TANE, you could save the session but it wouldn't destroy the original session. Just create a driver session and not mess with the game session.
I don't understand that comment.

In all versions of Trainz that I can remember you have always had the options of Save and Save As... for both routes and sessions. Save would overwrite (destroy) the original and Save As... would save a copy using a new name.

Game Sessions are very useful, as I pointed out in a previous post. You usually don't need to save them while using the UDS.
I don't understand that comment.

In all versions of Trainz that I can remember you have always had the options of Save and Save As... for both routes and sessions. Save would overwrite (destroy) the original and Save As... would save a copy using a new name.

Game Sessions are very useful, as I pointed out in a previous post. You usually don't need to save them while using the UDS.
For all previous versions of Trainz that I'm aware of, you're right in that regard. However, there was no UDS. So whenever I saved a session, it wouldn't destroy it. So if I wanted to start the session over, then it'd be possible. I might have to drive a session in TANE and upload it on YouTube so you can see what my issue is.
Ok, I think I can see what you are getting at.

When editing and saving a session before the UDS you were always saving the starting point for the session. If you selected Save then the edit would overwrite the original. If you selected Save As... then the original would remain intact and a new session (with its own new starting point) would be saved using a different name.

With the UDS if you jump from Driver to Surveyor and edit the session then select Overwrite existing session the edited session will become the new starting point - just as when you used Save before the UDS came along. If you select Create new session then the original will not be overwritten and the new session will be saved with a new name and its own new new starting point - just like Save As... before the UDS.

As long as you keep this in mind and avoid "slip-ups" then I have found that this works very well. Those same "slip-ups" can (and sometimes did) occur when saving before the UDS.
The simple answer is, do not edit anything in the session, only the route once you enter driver mode. You can save the route only on exiting but a session save will timestamp it as a driver session. Alter anything in the session while in surveyor mode and save before you go to driver mode. Once you have entered driver mode, even if you exit back to surveyor mode, all sessions become driver sessions with a timestamp.
The simple answer is, do not edit anything in the session, only the route once you enter driver mode. You can save the route only on exiting but a session save will timestamp it as a driver session. Alter anything in the session while in surveyor mode and save before you go to driver mode. Once you have entered driver mode, even if you exit back to surveyor mode, all sessions become driver sessions with a timestamp.
Except for the very odd occasion, none of that is my experience. I frequently use the UDS to edit route and session data when developing a route and session.

In the case of sessions I often use the UDS to move my consists to new positions so that I can test another section of the route. In these cases I save the session edits using the Create new session option before I jump back into driver so that I do not destroy the original starting session data.