Get Rid of UDS


Active member
So I decided to make some changes in my route while playing a session. So I chose to not save the session while overwriting the route. That was in order to keep all my trains at their original starting point and not destroy my original session. I did this on three separate occasions. Yet when I put this theory to the test my original session got destroyed even after doing as instructed. So N3V Games you lied. Your How to Use the UDS Interface instructions are fraudulent. I did NOT save the session even while overwriting the route to keep my original trains at their initial starting point but that didn't matter. The original session was destroyed anyways. The UDS needs to be done away with as this is becoming very frustrating for me. It wouldn't surprise me to discover I'm not the only one going through this.
N3V Games instructions are correct and very clear. Read where it says 'Saving' and follow the instructions carefully! That's all I can say.
Steps: To save the Route only:-
Left Click the checkbox Do not save session

This will save the Route only, using its existing name and it will overwrite the original route. This will save any edits that you have made to the Route but not to the Session.

That's exactly what I did. So you mean to tell me that only Option B will preserve the integrity of a session and not destroy it's original state?
So N3V Games you lied. Your How to Use the UDS Interface instructions are fraudulent.
I did NOT save the session even while overwriting the route to keep my original trains at their initial starting point but that didn't matter. The original session was destroyed anyways. The UDS needs to be done away with as this is becoming very frustrating for me. It wouldn't surprise me to discover I'm not the only one going through this.

N3V did not write those instructions, I did and I am not an employee of N3V nor am I connected to them in any way other than being a Trainz user, like you.

I posted that document on the Trainz Wiki in June 2021 and you are the first to complain so I would be surprised to discover that others, who have followed the basic instructions, have had the same experience. Certainly in all that time I have used the UDS extensively and have never had any problems that were not of my own making.

The most likely explanations for your problem are:-
  1. the moving consists are NOT in the session but are in the route. This is a common point of confusion with new users - I note that you only joined the forums a few days ago. Because of its complexity and many different options, using Trainz Surveyor is a learning curve.
  2. you may have accidentally selected Save the Route and Session at some point - easy enough to do and I have done that myself on the odd occasion.
Since, from your membership date, you are new to using Trainz may I recommend another document on the Trainz Wiki that may help in your situation - Route_and_Session_Basics.
N3V did not write those instructions, I did and I am not an employee of N3V nor am I connected to them in any way other than being a Trainz user, like you.

I posted that document on the Trainz Wiki in June 2021 and you are the first to complain so I would be surprised to discover that others, who have followed the basic instructions, have had the same experience. Certainly in all that time I have used the UDS extensively and have never had any problems that were not of my own making.

The most likely explanations for your problem are:-
  1. the moving consists are NOT in the session but are in the route. This is a common point of confusion with new users - I note that you only joined the forums a few days ago. Because of its complexity and many different options, using Trainz Surveyor is a learning curve.
  2. you may have accidentally selected Save the Route and Session at some point - easy enough to do and I have done that myself on the odd occasion.
Since, from your membership date, you are new to using Trainz may I recommend another document on the Trainz Wiki that may help in your situation - Route_and_Session_Basics.
I'll try it again on a different session. I'll even record it and upload to YouTube just to be certain that everything's done according to plan.
So I was able to get the desired results. However I noticed that even though the train was left in its original starting point, a different driver did get assigned to that train. Not sure it was worth noting but no request to overwrite the route was requested. Possibly because I made sure to select the session tab upon utilizing the UDS and making sure all trains were assigned to the session layer. I'll keep this thread going just to make sure everything's done correctly. Currently uploading the video to YouTube.
Good progress. Making sure that all consists are in a session layer is a good move.

I note that you have a portal in your route (although it is not used in your YouTube session). Portals, which predate the UDS by many years, can cause problems with the UDS because they will always return or add a train in the same layer as the portal - this is covered in the UDS document on the Wiki.
Good progress. Making sure that all consists are in a session layer is a good move.

I note that you have a portal in your route (although it is not used in your YouTube session). Portals, which predate the UDS by many years, can cause problems with the UDS because they will always return or add a train in the same layer as the portal - this is covered in the UDS document on the Wiki.
So make them a part of the session layer instead of route?
So make them a part of the session layer instead of route?
Unfortunately, that means that the portal will only work in that session and not in any others based on that route.

Fortunately, the UDS is mostly used, or entirely used in my case at least, for route and session development so once that has been completed it does not matter if consists are in the route or session when the session is being run in Driver.
You are saving in driver mode. You don't need to save until you exit the route. When you exit the route you will be asked the questions in A.
Doing a save once you enter driver mode, even if you return to surveyor mode, will only save or create a new session.
You place portals while editing the Route and not the session and you set up and edit the portals while editing the Session. Never alter any consists, as I've found from experience, while editing the Route. This will get things out of sync and weird things can happen with AI consists.
You place portals while editing the Route and not the session and you set up and edit the portals while editing the Session. Never alter any consists, as I've found from experience, while editing the Route. This will get things out of sync and weird things can happen with AI consists.
Yes I just experienced that last night. A train kept going into the portal even after I detached the locomotives from it. Only after I removed the driver from the route and re-added it did the problem go away.
I do not believe that there is any danger of the extremely useful UDS being removed. The original post was the result of frustration caused by a misunderstanding over how the UDS works.
So the problem is rearing it's ugly head again. However, I just might've cracked the code. It's got nothing to do with the route being edited and thereby forcing a overwrite session and route pop-up. Anytime you overwrite a session, the original gets destroyed. Unlike in previous versions where saved sessions were kept separate, the UDS has now joined them together, much to my chagrin. So I must now create a new session regardless or else risk getting the original destroyed. Or I can exit the game and then bypass that issue altogether. That's probably been the bane of my experience with TRS22.
The UDS does take some "getting used to" (or practice) but I have found that it works very well. I do, very occasionally, come across the odd glitch but the option to not save is still there.

Anytime you overwrite a session, the original gets destroyed. Unlike in previous versions where saved sessions were kept separate,

That is exactly how saving is supposed to work - overwrite means replace the original with the edited version. If you need to save the altered session for some reason but do not want to destroy the original then do not use the overwrite option. Use option B below.

The following is copied directly (with some necessary formatting changes for the forum) from the How to Use the UDS Interface document.

When you are in Driver Mode at least one of the consists will probably be moving. Some of the Session rules may have already been completed while others may still be running or waiting for events (e.g. triggers to be activated). If, after switching to Surveyor Mode, you then choose to save using the Overwrite existing session option then you will be replacing your original starting Session with a new one with the consists saved in their new positions and the Session rules saved in their new states. So when you later load and restart the Session things will not be the same as they were in the original or starting Session.

Unless you have a particular reason for overwriting the original Session then the recommended save options are:-


Do Not Save the Session


Steps: To save the Route only:-
Left Click the checkbox Do not save session

This will save the Route only, using its existing name and it will overwrite the original route. This will save any edits that you have made to the Route but not to the Session.


Create a New Session


Steps: To save the Route and a NEW Session:-
Left Click the checkbox Create new session
Enter a name for the new session

This will save the Route using its existing name and it will overwrite the original route. It will also save the Session using the name you enter in the text box below the checkbox (Stage 3 in the example shown). The original Session will not be altered. This is useful when you want to test out changes to consists, industry settings, Rules, driver commands, etc but do not want to destroy the original Session.

I hope this helps on the learning curve.