TS2010EE SP3; Build 49933
Hi community.:wave:
Ever since I got Vista and installed TRS2006 on it worked great.
Monday I downloaded chrisracer's Conrail Lincoln and Secondary route. Soon after that TRS2006 stated to freeze on me.
Heres what happens:
I start the launcher like normal and Train goes through the intro crap. On the screen just before you can chose Surveryor/Driver Trainz freezes.
I have to ctrl, alt, del bring up task manager and close the program. Then if I go and try it again the launcher wont even load! I have to log off then log back on for the launcher to appear.
Once I had to restart the computer completly and it said I had lost memory and it asked me if I wanted to continue. Then it told me Vista had not closed properly last time I shut down and asks if I want to start normally and I say yes.
CMP which has been working excelent now freezes as well. Sometimes the computer tells me my video driver has stopped working but has recovered. This is very strange behavior.
I looked at this thread here: http://forums.auran.com/trainz/showthread.php?t=14063&highlight=TRS2006+Vista
But its all symbols to me. I think this will solve my probelm.
Anyone else have solutions? I have read about CMP and Vista with SP1 and I'm not up to the risks with that.
Thanks in advanced.
TCS Route Builder
Ever since I got Vista and installed TRS2006 on it worked great.
Monday I downloaded chrisracer's Conrail Lincoln and Secondary route. Soon after that TRS2006 stated to freeze on me.

Heres what happens:
I start the launcher like normal and Train goes through the intro crap. On the screen just before you can chose Surveryor/Driver Trainz freezes.
I have to ctrl, alt, del bring up task manager and close the program. Then if I go and try it again the launcher wont even load! I have to log off then log back on for the launcher to appear.

Once I had to restart the computer completly and it said I had lost memory and it asked me if I wanted to continue. Then it told me Vista had not closed properly last time I shut down and asks if I want to start normally and I say yes.
CMP which has been working excelent now freezes as well. Sometimes the computer tells me my video driver has stopped working but has recovered. This is very strange behavior.
I looked at this thread here: http://forums.auran.com/trainz/showthread.php?t=14063&highlight=TRS2006+Vista
But its all symbols to me. I think this will solve my probelm.
Anyone else have solutions? I have read about CMP and Vista with SP1 and I'm not up to the risks with that.
Thanks in advanced.

TCS Route Builder