TRS19 SP3 Release Candidate now available


Trainz Plus - enjoy Trainz from just 20 cents a da
We're happy to announce the "Release Candidate" of Service Pack 3 is now available through the Beta patch stream for your build.

PC - 111951
PC Steam - 111952
Mac - 111956
Mac Steam - no update available (due to Valve not supporting the latest Mac OSX)

This means that Assertions (the message popup that alerts us to potential errors) is now turned off in preparation for the official release. Subject to no new showstoppers being identified, this version will be made available to everyone next week.

There are a few issues reported that will not be fixed in this update, but will be fixed in a hotfix or future update. We've made this call because with one or two issues coming in each week, this release has been delayed many weeks so it's time to draw a line in the sand.

New Features:

Mac users
This build includes support for Apple Silicon and our game engine now fully ported to Metal. (So most users will see an improvement in frame rates.)
IMPORTANT: Your hardware needs to be able to run Metal, which also means being able to run Big Sur.
Check this Apple Support link for compatibility.

Trainz TNI SDK (Train Physics)
TNI (Trainz Native Interface) is a programming interface that allows anyone familiar with C or C++ to create plug-ins that extend or modify the existing Trainz program. This update includes a Trainz Physics plug-in and our hope is that interested developers will soon be producing a wide range of custom plugins. More info and registration link can be found here.

This also means that the train physics code now runs as using the plug-in we have created. Behaviour should be identical to previous versions of Trainz.

We look forward to seeing what the community can come up with regarding updates to train physics!

Known issues:
  • Older Mac hardware not supported (see above)
  • MPS (for Trainz Plus users) not available until next week
  • Loco will suddenly decelerate if decoupling while moving
  • Slow multiplayer loading time (issue identified, fix being worked on)
  • Multiplayer synchronisation issues after multi-hour sessions with large player numbers (no known repro)
  • Track Add tool not auto-activated switching to Surveyor (UDS)
  • Nav points not hidden when loading save game

Full SP3 Changelist:
  • Update yo 4.8 Trainzbuild format (making route, session and assets saved in SP3 not compatible with older versions)
  • Smoke now works as expected when running steam engines in AI reverse, half chuff rate w\ AI forward
  • Fix a route merge CTD when merging two legacy routes both having consists.
  • Updates to Login flow and messages
  • Fix a freeze when adjusting terrain height under splines
  • Various updates to portals
  • Fix an assertion loading Sebino (offline) NamedObjectTable::ProcessRegistrationQueue> Registration command failure 3
  • Inserting spline points unexpectedly re-positions trains\trackside objects
  • Update to Vehicle.SetMaximumTractiveEffort()
  • Show Hide MP-d chat window now works
  • Various MP fixes including:
  • MP Client "view driver" not syncing to moving trains
  • Fix stream corruption in the brake data
  • Avoid a case where a corrupt stream could hang the application in an infinite loop
  • Fix a case where the camera fails to focus to a vehicle with a null trackpos, but a valid mesh position
  • Fixed an issue where certain assets would display incorrectly
  • Fixed an assertion loading into Sebino
  • Inserting spline points no longer re-positions trains\trackside objects
  • Several MPS content fixes (Sebino)
  • Resolved an error showing on Mac for faulty content
  • Several MP Driver replication manager updates
  • Fixed a CTD when moving vehicles decoupled in the middle of a consist
  • Improvements to mini-map labelling
  • Remove green highlight incorrectly showing after copy/paste
  • Fix sound not playing on some steam locos
  • Fix assertion loading Content Sample map
  • Tweaks to Driver listing UI
  • Fix brake issue (TNI Physics)
  • Fixes for various Test Track issues (TNI Physics related)
  • Fix brakes bail timing
  • Fix Command dropdown list functionality
  • Fix derailments in portals
  • Fix MP chat window getting stuck open
  • Fix passenger platforms not spawning passengers
  • Tweaks to object height adjustment
  • Fix an issue with pfx display
  • Add full support for Steam DLC in Content Store
  • Updates to MPS to support custom packages (Sebino is our first test case)
  • Add UI for installing missing MPS packages
  • New "high contrast" scroll bar
  • Various UI updates to Driver Select window
  • Various UI updates to Content Store
  • In-game chat now fully native
  • Fixes for new MyTrainz Login
  • Fixed a rare case where loading a map could take 30 minutes
  • Improved handling of object height adjustment (including around digholes)
  • Finalised TNI Physics SDK (programmer access coming in the next week or two)[
  • Steam builds will have proper DLC naming and descriptions (not relevant to this beta)
  • Added an expiry for scripted camera edit requests (to avoid a hang or incomplete route load
  • Updates to low res (minimap) texture cut-off distances
  • Login improvements (prompted to enter details when installing, sign out option added)
  • Map view label improvements (less clutter)
  • Scroll bar tweaks (it's now visible!)
  • Tweaks for Test Track (related to TNI physics)
  • Crash fix when exiting a route with placeholder (missing asset) traincars
  • Crash fix for routes with a script that wasn't loaded when called
  • Fixed a case where loading could be extremely slow
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Instant download of ~25MB patch - Just 23 seconds to install and complete the initial database repair.
All settings preferences retained.
Super S-L-O-W build of the main menu screen meant I rushed off to run the Prebuild command in TrainzUtil again.
Looks great - a bit of a relief to NOT see the assertion dialogs and Red Bug alerts (but know that some issues still persist).
Thanks N3V. Looks great so far!
Edit Update: This new build appears to have fixed a serious computer crash and reset I encountered yesterday that was caused by an attempt to create a new session in <kuid2:453099:100037:20> C&O Hinton Division - a T:ANE era route that I rarely visit these days, but wanted to see all the superb new asset updates gawpo50 has generated in recent weeks for the route in a live session.
The 4.7 build session showed a few Assertion Dialogs before dismissal of the alerts reset the entire computer instantaneously without bluescreen or any warning, so I had to restore the database and remove the edits from the Open for edit... folder before gingerly recreating the session in the earlier TRS19 beta Build.
Pleased to say that the new, now Build 4.8 session, opens without issue and still shows the building blocking the track at Thurmond!
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Download and install took less then a minute. No errors. A quick test with several of my routes showed things working as expected. Glad to get rid of that "red bug" indicator which popped up on several of my routes.
Will do more testing tomorrow.
I still have a green highlight on certain tracks, and I still get a CTD when I try to delete the highlighted tracks.

Which KUID? If you delete and replace them do they still show? What steps are required to get them highlighted? Are you sure you're on the latest build?
Only problem I have encountered is being unable to switch some junctions in driver. Some work, some don't and the ones that don't work are no different to the ones that do. If I switch the junctions in surveyor, the switch then becomes operable in driver. Only tested one route so far, but occurs consistently. It was happening in the previous beta as well, but didn't even get 24 hours on that before this version dropped. Thank you for the performance increase over SP2
Tony, please see this post:

There continues to be a "handshaking" problem with Content Store (at lease for those who have PreviewPass). I sent a note to Support yesterday but they only focused on the installation issue, didn't mention the store issue.

I just installed the route into 111951 and the problem exists in this release also. Again, refer to above post and/or my support ticket of yesterday and reply to same today.

I thank you and N3V for the fixes this release candidate.
The "Pause" is much more comfortable now. Thanks!

PS: still, something still feels wrong with the font...
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lockheed02 - One man's vegan meal is another's poison... Personally thought the large "Pause" notification was ok and the outlined font looked great as it helped to distinguish the message from the background, especially against lighter backgrounds like snow or clouds, etc.
If the font looks dodgy on your screen, suggest check out the anti-aliasing and resolution settings you've set for Trainz.
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Only problem I have encountered is being unable to switch some junctions in driver. Some work, some don't and the ones that don't work are no different to the ones that do.

We'll need more information to check this out. Is this on your own route only? Once switched in Surveyor, do they always work afterwards.

It sounds to me like something was saved in a wrong state and moving the track or activating the junction in Surveyor tidies things up. But if you can find a way to break them again, then please provide more info.

We can no longer resize the track profile in driver?

If it's no longer available, so be it but it used to be a nice feature. If this isn't the case, then it's a bug.

The performance, however, is superb. I hope this will remain when this version is released.
We can no longer resize the track profile in driver?

If it's no longer available, so be it but it used to be a nice feature. If this isn't the case, then it's a bug.

The performance, however, is superb. I hope this will remain when this version is released.

Not sure which you mean height or length?

Driver Settings > Interface height then use the slider changes every thing and works, just checked.

Ctrl Mouse wheel changes the track profile length and that's working as well.
We can no longer resize the track profile in driver?.

Ctrl Mouse wheel changes the track profile length and that's working as well.

I noticed that "issue" on an earlier beta and reported it as a "bug". QA informed me that you now have to hold down the CTRL key while using the scroll wheel to achieve the same effect. I suspect that using just the mouse scroll wheel could cause some confusion if your mouse pointer was just slightly off the track profile area and on the scene display area and you ended up scrolling the camera POV instead - which has been an "issue" since day one.

You state that Big Sur is a requirement for the upcoming release due to Metal capability however, macOS Catalina fully supports Metal. Is there something in the code that specifically requires macOS Big Sur or is it just Metal capability that is required?

I noticed that "issue" on an earlier beta and reported it as a "bug". QA informed me that you now have to hold down the CTRL key while using the scroll wheel to achieve the same effect. I suspect that using just the mouse scroll wheel could cause some confusion if your mouse pointer was just slightly off the track profile area and on the scene display area and you ended up scrolling the camera POV instead - which has been an "issue" since day one.


I also have issues getting the properties on various consists. Has there been a change there too I'm not aware of?
JCitron - by that do you mean the reluctance of the program to display the properties of vehicles when Ctrl +right-clicked to View Details?
For the past-few betas now I have experienced similar difficulties displaying such details - usually needing to repeat the request and to change the angle of my mouse cursor more squarely to invoke a response, particularly for moving consists.
Have not bug-reported it, however, 'cos I thought it might just be my inept cursor control.
Some interactive industries (like <kuid2:439337:105409:2> SAP_BI3_Fuel for example) are also extremely difficult to secure commodity level/ status details when in-game.
I also have issues getting the properties on various consists. Has there been a change there too I'm not aware of?

For the past-few betas now I have experienced similar difficulties displaying such details - usually needing to repeat the request and to change the angle of my mouse cursor more squarely to invoke a response, particularly for moving consists. Have not bug-reported it, however, 'cos I thought it might just be my inept cursor control.

Same here. Good (well you know what I mean) to see that others are experiencing this as well, as PC_Ace mentioned, I have seen this in the last few betas as well. Curiously I have just recently noticed that when you Ctrl-right mouse click on a consist that does not have a loco attached, the properties window appears without any problems - could be a clue there?
Same here. Good (well you know what I mean) to see that others are experiencing this as well, as PC_Ace mentioned, I have seen this in the last few betas as well. Curiously I have just recently noticed that when you Ctrl-right mouse click on a consist that does not have a loco attached, the properties window appears without any problems - could be a clue there?

Yes. I noticed that too and thought it was something I was doing so I couldn't quite pinpoint it with enough consistency to report the issue. I like to confirm the confirmation before reporting an issue to avoid eating too much crow, but with this one I couldn't so I didn't say anything.
We know of a problem with using + and - on consists, but no reports of ctrl-r-click being problematic.
Camera angle is likely going to be a factor, and perhaps zoom range, but we can't find any problems here so far.

Galt77 - the Big Sur decision was primarily due to M1 series Macs being Big Sur only. Also in part ensuring we only support one code path for future updates. (Older hardware owners will need to remain on the SP2 build.)
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I have just conducted some tests on the issue of opening the consist property windows using the Crtl-r-click.

Basically. Test:-

  1. at ground level progressively moving back away from the wagon using the mouse scroll wheel attempting to open the properties window of the selected rolling stock asset at each step.
  2. at ground level keeping the distance from the wagon the same but moving around the wagon in steps in the horizontal plane attempting to open the properties window of the selected rolling stock asset at each new angle position.
  3. starting at ground level and keeping the distance from the wagon the same but moving around the wagon in steps in the vertical plane until at 90deg (directly above) attempting to open the properties window of the selected rolling stock asset at each new angle position.

The above tests were conducted on a wagon in a consist with a loco attached and then on the same type of wagon in a consist with no loco attached.

Where the consist has a loco attached the results were:-
Test 1: the properties window opened 5 times out of 12 attempts
Test 2: the properties window opened 3 times out of 15 attempts
Test 3: the properties window opened 2 times out of 6 attempts.

Where the consist did not have a loco attached, the results were 100% successful opening of the properties window on every attempt.

Another difference between the two situations (loco and no loco) was that when no loco is attached the right-mouse-click menu has only the single option - view details.

I will submit a bug report.