TRS19 Route - Canadian Rocky Mountains - Golden, BC - OFFICIAL

Wll do, John. It's just strange that it was working fine a few weeks ago, and suddenly it is acting up. Very odd.

There were changes made in the last update that might have affected the route. This happens with beta testing as things are changed and problems sometime occur. This is why it's good to report issues now rather than get stuck with them for another version or two.
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There were changes made in the last update that might have affected the route. This happens with beta testing as things are changed and problems sometime occur. This is why it's good to report issues now rather than get stuck with them for another version or two.

I appreciate everyone's suggestions here. Although I've had TRAINZ programs for over a decade, I'm a newbie when it comes to reporting stuff. I'll submit a bug report. Cheers,

Papa_de_05 (Patrice)
Well I hate to add another problem to the list of a beautiful route, but has anyone else noticed or reported that the session 'CRB Working at CP Yard in Golden' is also broken? It tells you to drop wagons at Donald industries either track 2 or 3. ( This is actually incorrect as the trigger is set on track 3 ONLY). However the wagons derail inside the shed as the track joint is actually broken, and therefore you can never complete the session. I am on SP1 build105096.
Well I hate to add another problem to the list of a beautiful route, but has anyone else noticed or reported that the session 'CRB Working at CP Yard in Golden' is also broken? It tells you to drop wagons at Donald industries either track 2 or 3. ( This is actually incorrect as the trigger is set on track 3 ONLY). However the wagons derail inside the shed as the track joint is actually broken, and therefore you can never complete the session. I am on SP1 build105096.

I have not experienced that one yet. However, there appears to be a series of problems with the CP Freight Run scenario. While the Help Desk quickly showed me a workaround for my initial coupling problem at Donald Industries, others appeared afterwards. Once someone explained to me how to have a look at the session rules in Surveyor, using Ctrl-R, I had a look at them. It appears to me as though the rules had somehow been jumbled, creating session issues. I've reported them back to the Help desk. Was there there a data conversion required between TANE and TRS 19? It looks to me as though that's what might have happened. Cheers,

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Conadian Rocky Mountain river basin

Just installed this route and following it through came across invisible track ground level. What did the creator intend to run on on this track. Anyone know?
Just installed this route and following it through came across invisible track ground level. What did the creator intend to run on on this track. Anyone know?

Carz that are trains.

Not kidding. There are some vehicles that are actually trains driven by AI that are disguised as cars or other vehicles. The end-user has available trucks, cars, boats, airplanes, and anything else. They are placed on the track just like a train and given commands. The roads can have junctions and everything.
Got a bug in route Canadian Rocky Mountains - Columbia River Basin, scenario "The Basin Leg". After I pick up the wood chips, I drive to the stop point at the end of the yard, and the viewpoint switches to the through freight that I am supposed to allow to pass me. The only problem is, although that train shows on the Map display, it never becomes visible in the main view, and its driver only shows a blank icon. I do not have any errors or missing assets, and several database repairs have failed to correct the issue. Help?
Hi 64warhorse,

if possible send a ticket for help/report a bug to helpdesk as i cannot fix things on bugs like these from later releases TRS19.
Thanks for reporting here.

Got a bug in route Canadian Rocky Mountains - Columbia River Basin, scenario "The Basin Leg". After I pick up the wood chips, I drive to the stop point at the end of the yard, and the viewpoint switches to the through freight that I am supposed to allow to pass me. The only problem is, although that train shows on the Map display, it never becomes visible in the main view, and its driver only shows a blank icon. I do not have any errors or missing assets, and several database repairs have failed to correct the issue. Help?
Spent some time running near Calgary today. Gorgeous terrain, and I love that there is finally some half-decent moving water animation available. Here's a meet at Exshaw, AB. Sorry about the visible turnout indicators ... :o :

Hi 64warhorse. nice shot gootd to see you running the Baker Crk to West of Cochrane.
Well to be honest i was more than happy to have some sort of running water even if not what we hope for but much better than nothing. It is a lot of work to implement them in the many streams creeks and river but the result is refreshing.
At this momentI am in the middle of a missve recover redo of my Cochrane to Calgary SE which got totally corruptesd in built 110771 and tectonic plates were created by the program. I did not no and lost more than just a few days as
I worked in Calgary SE and did not see the corruptes boards north of Calgarfy all the way up to West of Cochren....sight. All the intermediate backups all had the corrupted route so had to go back quiet far and now painstakingly redo the lost data...:(
maybe end of this week i might get things done and hope 111096 not throw in another earthquake.
So far so good.
Every save route now i check like a nerd if the terrain looks ok north of Calgary... crazy feeling though.
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Hey, Roy, today I was running on the Ottertail to Castle Junction route. I noticed that at the Continental Divide and a couple of other spots, there are these wide, unmarked bridges over the tracks sitting beside the highway bridges. Are these supposed to be moose crossings?
haha yes those are an attempt to mimic wildlife highway crossings. i would love to have the tube tunnels but i have to do with what is available for roads and no time to create all the stuff on the go. A given route gets never done that way.
If you see other than that than there is something fishy and gone wrong. in that case report and show picture where you see these.
Thank you for posting nice pictures on the forum.
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Speaking of wonderful routes, do you have any intention of releasing further modules, and if so, any indication of a schedule for said release(s)? Thank ye ... :wave:
Roystrainz Vancouver to Calgary CPR Subs

Dear 64Warhorse.

As health and reliability of the than current TRS19 release allows I try very very hard to finish a first round of Greater Calgary area including
The Wildcat area and Cochrane.
Unfortunately I had some major setbacks and a lot of lost time when a newer version of trs19 made me aware I am working on a huge route in a "beta" version.
My experience so far with trainz is that it is better to go thru the hickups of beta versions than stick with a given release and later have maybe to redo major parts and repairs...
I not work full days anymore and try to recover from years of long days and nights labor to finsish the routes out there now.

After the 1st round of Greater Calgary I will do a few updates on the cioty where it needs improvement but at the same time finish the subs to Kamloops and the Thompson Sub.

Last but not least finish the (huge) greater Vancouver route.

Timeline for all these is bad guessing as to many factors can spoil the party and give delays.

X fingers as my goal is to have covered all subs prototypical (as close as possible)Vancouver to Calgary.

Thank you dear 64Warhorse for your continued support and post of many very nice shots and comments!!!


Speaking of wonderful routes, do you have any intention of releasing further modules, and if so, any indication of a schedule for said release(s)? Thank ye ... :wave:
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Hi Roy,
I have been having trouble with Columbia River Basin/CP Rail Freight Run.Problems are;No drivers for twin otter float plane,driver christopher has no plane to fly and Adair has no loco and consist either, only the track and sceneryI reinstalled Columbia River basin again but no better.Sent the problem to Trainz but no answerfor last 6 weeks. I now have the right man to hopefullysolve the problem. cheers, Robynne..........