Trainz Technical FAQ - My Version


Tutorial Creator
Detailed here are the likely issues you may come across whilst running Trainz, and the likely solutions. If I've missed any, let me know.

[TABLE="class: grid, width: 500"]
[TD]CRC error when installing
[TD]Usually a CRC error appears when installing the game
[TD]If it is a download version, redownload the files. If it is a disc, try cleaning it.
[TD]Unable to find 'x.bin' when installing
[TD]An error appears during installation stating that it is unable to find a .bin file.
[TD]Make sure you have downloaded all files for that version.
[TD]Installed assets not appearing on in-game lists
[TD]When an asset is installed/changed or a setting is changed, it disappears/resets when game is reopened
[TD]Run the game as administrator - see for details
[TD]Asset appearing in weird colours
[TD]The asset appears in either multicoloured or plain black.
[TD]Texture Compression issue - see for the fix.
[TD]Trainz will not start - error message related to a .dll file
[TD]When the Start button or the Content button is clicked, an error appears relating to D3DX9_42.dll or similar.
[TD]Update your DirectX - see my relevant sticky thread in the General Trainz forum for instructions
[TD]Patch fails to install
[TD]During patching, an error appears in red text and the message 'Patching Aborted' appears.
[TD]See for advice on this. If the error appears after a Patching... message, a reinstall is required. Note that if the error is relating to DirectX, see the answer above.
[TD]Blue Screen of Death during patching
[TD]During the patching process on a Windows XP SP2 computer, a Blue Screen of Death appears.
[TD]Install Service Pack 3 for Windows XP.
[TD]Unable to launch Content Manager
[TD]Whilst attempting to load Content Manager, an error appears and it fails to load.
[TD]The usual reason for this is that the graphics card does not support OpenGL, or requires a driver update.
[TD]Error before the Launcher appears
[TD]An error appears between opening the shortcut, and the Launcher appears.
[TD]Open <trainz install folder>/Bin/Jetlog.txt, as this file will tell you what the problem is.

You may need to force-close TADDaemon using Task Manager in order to do this.
[TD]Repeated database repairs on launch
[TD]'Updating Trainz Database' appears on most if not all launches.
[TD]This usually happens if less then 3-5 minutes (pre-TS12) or 1 minute (TS12) have elapsed between Trainz closing and the system being shut down.
[TD]The wrong version of Trainz launches when using trainz: links, or an error appears.
[TD]When clicking a link on the Download Station, either the wrong version of Content Manager loads, or an error appears.
[TD]Make sure Trainz is running as administrator. If it is, use my Trainz Protocol Changer available at

Comments are appreciated as always, but please keep them polite.
