Trains keep derailing/exploding at random in any route I run.


CSX Railfan
I don't know if this is a glitch or not but I currently run on TRS22 version build 123801. Any train that appears on any map, at random, it could explode where the train's consist go all over the place, or any train I run could randomly derail on a bridge or tunnel section track. Is there anyway that I can fix this so I can enjoy Trainz 2022 again? I believe it's something in my graphic settings that might be doing this but happy to provide any information to troubleshoot this further.

Because of this, It's making me leave the game a lot in frustration. This has been going on for me for about six months. Any help is appreciated! Thanks
Yes, that is correct, I have verified that the tracks are linked up together.
Are you certain? A quick visual inspection can be deceiving.

If you are using TRS22PE then switch to Surveyor 2.0 and double left click on a track segment. This will highlight all the track segments that have been correctly joined together in both direction. The highlighting will stop when it reaches a track junction or a broken track segment (where the two endpoints only look like they are correctly joined).

In Surveyor 1.0 individually drag each spline circle along the track just a small distance. If the track segments on both sides of the circle move then the join has been correctly made. Pressing Ctrl+Z will restore the track to its original position. If only one segment moves then that join has not been correctly made.

In both cases you can narrow the search to the approximate position of the break by noting exactly where the lead loco derails.
In Surveyor 1.0 individually drag each spline circle along the track just a small distance. If the track segments on both sides of the circle move then the join has been correctly made. Pressing Ctrl+Z will restore the track to its original position. If only one segment moves then that the join has not been correctly made.
Exactly, what I've done many times :cool:
'Display Menu', 'Track path display' will show any discontinuity. A very useful feature.
It took me a while to locate it. It is in the Driver Display Menu. You need to have a loco on the track and in motion to see the green continuity path line ahead of the train. This is part of the TLR system.

Useful but it has a limited "look ahead distance" on long sections of track.

But thanks for the suggestion.
put a track marker at one end and a loco at the other and the path should go all the way..??
I just tried that. It makes no difference on long sections of track. The green line ends at a signal (facing either direction), speed sign or just "nowhere" several hundred metres ahead of the loco but progresses down the track as the loco moves.
In addition to dragging the spline circles, I always click on them with the height adjustment tool to lock them into place. By doing so, this ensures the track is smooth and not disconnected. Occasionally, there will be a disconnected spline but these are rare and are difficult to find because the spline points overlap.

After going over the track spline points, I will run a test-consist over the line. It's not anything particularly impressive and works more as a work train traversing the line. I will place a track mark some distance down the tracks and instruct an AI driver to drive to that track mark. If the driver halts, then it's time to troubleshoot the problem.

During the troubleshooting phase, I will place multiple track marks along the line and instruct the AI to drive to each one. If the driver halts on the way to any one of them, I then check that stretch for something that's not right including direction markers facing the wrong way, missing junction levers, and broken track splines. The latter can not only be the track but also where the track connects to fixed track objects such as station platforms, industries, and fixed-track level crossings.

As time goes on, your track laying skills will improve and you'll be able to quickly lay track and occasionally run into a problem.
Any train that appears on any map, at random, it could explode where the train's consist go all over the place, or any train I run could randomly derail on a bridge or tunnel section track.
Note this is said to happen on any map. Not just maps created by the OP.

I just set up a test track in this version of TRS22 PE which consisted of several baseboards and a line of track splines that I deliberately left a gap in to cause a derailment. I sent a loco with a string of cars hurtling down the track at full speed. When the loco reached the point of the disconnected track splines the locomotive simply stopped dead and the cars telescoped into the locomotive and displayed the rotating yellow X. No explosions.

I've spent hundreds of hours running DLC routes in TRS22 and I have never seen any behavior even remotely resembling the behavior described in the first post. In fact, I can't even imagine the game behaving in such a manner.

I just repeated my test in the latest version of Trainz Plus Beta. Same results. The derailed train doesn't even leave the track. Until a more accurate description of what is happening with what routes then I see no way to approach this matter.
I've spent hundreds of hours running DLC routes in TRS22 and I have never seen any behavior even remotely resembling the behavior described in the first post. In fact, I can't even imagine the game behaving in such a manner.
Perhaps some "creative license" on the part of the original poster?
I have had problems where I have had added some track in 'Route' layer and some in 'Session' layer. I have also found both 'Route' and 'Session' track appearing to occupy the same splines, one on top of another. These problems are localised as you would expect. As a rule, I put ALL Track, Signals and Markers/Triggers in the Route layer. Worth a check perhaps.
I have experienced this same issue, multiple times. It can get extremely annoying, especially when I just want to have an enjoyable evening shunting in a yard on one of my routes, expect for example, a down goods from the north portal to enter the yard, only to find a random assortment of carriages and wagons hurtling down the mainline on their own, and find the locomotive without a tender, pulling a single coach!
However, I find it only occurs after a lag spike, which is usually what I use as an indicator to tell me the AI drivers are up to chaos again... And this is on Trainz 22 build 123799.
I haven't found a fix for it as of yet, but I somewhat suspect it's also the thing causing the Turntables to break. In which case something only the Devs can fix, but won't because they're busy focusing on TLR and possibly the next version of the game...
If I do find a fix, I'll let you know.
I am using trs22 and am also having random derailment on a regular basis.
Build 123801, I am not using any self constructed track, having never done it. I have just started the same session twice and both times the train broke up. The locomotive kept going on it's own, some of the coaches followed and some remained where they were with the dreaded yellow X above them.
This was on a straight section with no switches, junction, stations etc. The first time the train travelled about 2 miles, the second time maybe half a mile. So, the 1st one had passed the 2nd point of derailment. I have used the function showing the green direction of travel but this carried on past the derailment.
Yesterday, the loco just stopped as though it had hit an invisible brick wall, and the following stock just ploughed on into it. Again, no junctions etc, just plain track.
This has been going on for a week or so now and is spoiling it, I just want to play trains, no real interest in creating anything.
Any ideas what the issue could be?
I am using trs22 and am also having random derailment on a regular basis.
Build 123801, I am not using any self constructed track, having never done it. I have just started the same session twice and both times the train broke up. The locomotive kept going on it's own, some of the coaches followed and some remained where they were with the dreaded yellow X above them.
This was on a straight section with no switches, junction, stations etc. The first time the train travelled about 2 miles, the second time maybe half a mile. So, the 1st one had passed the 2nd point of derailment. I have used the function showing the green direction of travel but this carried on past the derailment.
Yesterday, the loco just stopped as though it had hit an invisible brick wall, and the following stock just ploughed on into it. Again, no junctions etc, just plain track.
This has been going on for a week or so now and is spoiling it, I just want to play trains, no real interest in creating anything.
Any ideas what the issue could be?
Check that all your track and switches are on the same layer (route).
The only time I've had this occur, outside of self-inflicted track-laying issues, is when I've used the small Portal Basic in TRS22 and its relations. Intermittently, I'd have a consist break apart. I initially thought it was due to some coupler issue with the freight wagons I used and switched them out. With Trainz being Trainz, everything was fine until it appeared again. This time, when I got the message that consist xxx had derailed, I saw that some freight cars were being sucked back into the portal while the engine was barreling down the rails far above the speed limit and crashed right through an upcoming junction. The reason for this is the consist hadn't fully loaded and the driver rules hadn't been applied yet. Until I figured out how to solve the problem, my quick fix was to head into Surveyor via UDS and delete the uncontrollable consist.

The small Portal Basic worked fine until an upgrade was released. During beta testing, we had reported issues again and again with portals in general derailing trains. After many tests, it appeared the problem was solved and the patch was released. The problem we have with Trainz is inconsistencies. We can test something a bunch-o-times and every test shows the issue has gone away, but under regular use when the stars align a particular way the problem comes back.
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Check that all your track and switches are on the same layer (route).
As far as I can tell everything is on the same layer ( I haven't created anything routewise, as the route is as it came).
The latest example was a 14 wagon (UK) container train hauled by one locomotive and as I was following the consist (over plain line, no switches etc) the loco and the first 3 wagons kept going and the remaining 11 just stopped in two chunks, all wagons having the yellow X above them. I had used Surveyor to load them (which is fairly new process to me). The consist had travelled at least 10 miles ok, so I can't understand why it happens sometimes and not others. This never happened in TANE unless a switch was set wrong. I haven't yet tried running a train manually to see if it happens then, O if it is an AI driver that is the issue (if it is AI, I might fire them all!). That is my next attempt.
As an aside, TANE used to let you easily set train maximum speed (You don't expect 100mph coal trains!), but I can't see how it's done in Trainz 22.