Track direction markers


New member
Will adding extra track direction markers at a junction make them more effective or will they cancel each other out, as you may gather I’m having problems with consists meeting head on
Regards Bob V
As far as I can tell the answer is yes and no.

My Stroud Valleys route has emitting and absorbing Portals at both ends. I tried to lay the entire track in the direction of travel, crossovers and other
junctions were AI drivers could choose the “wrong” road are protected by direction markers and I have used “drive via” in all schedules.

Despite all this, some drivers still take the shortest, rather than t he correct route and collisions or, worst still the session stops because a driver has blocked the road.

I suspect that the only answer is to use direction markers whenever a driver could make the wrong choice and also to place extra invisible signals to reduce collisions.

I am planning to publish “Stroud Valleys” eventually, please could I copy the symbols and general method that you use for the trackplans for your excellent Turks Castle routes?
Hi Chris
I think you have confirmed my worst suspicions in that regardless of what you do AI drivers will go to any length to make life as difficult as possible
The setup you describe sounds to be exactly the same as the one I’m using here, portal at each end of a twin line track with a few sidings and industries in between so it should be all so simple
I shall try changing some of the junction configurations and see if that helps
As far as the track plans I have used to support all my routes are concerned please help your self to anything that helps to achieve your goal and if I can help further in any way just give me a shout
Regards Bob V
There are several options to consider when thinking train direction like track direction, track priority markers, track directions markers, trackmarks used as 'waypoints' in a drivers schedule, and locomotive hierarchy. Signal naming and blocking control can also aid in ensuring Point B is reached exactly along the route you intend.
The trackwork on my route is generally complete but usually when I finish a new track layout I tell the AI to perform various movements, then when it does something stupid I concentrate on that area and provide TDMs to PREVENT it doing something stupid.In one extreme case where the AI insisted on using a crossover to run "wrong line" I placed 2 TDMs on the crossover facing "outwards" so that the AI was prevented from using the crossover.Thi meant that the crossover was only usable by manually driven trains.
In one extreme case where the AI insisted on using a crossover to run "wrong line" I placed 2 TDMs on the crossover facing "outwards" quote]

That’s just the sort of thing I’m looking for the object being to avoid using long strings of instructions using via track mark to drivers operating between two sets of portals
Regards Bob V