tis the season to be .... from Lance.


f.k.a. Lance_Jago
Hello everyone,

It's been an adventurous journey over the last 10 days or so getting used to the fact that Trainz will no longer play such a large role in my life. In recent months, since Detroit actually, I have slowly been returning to Trainz as a user and I have no plans to slacken that pace. I look back now on the past 4 years with fondness and I am proud of what we have achieved and of my contribution to Trainz and this community.

Having been involved with TC3 up until recently I can tell you without breaching my NDA that it will contain a host of new and exciting features along with some major code improvements and rewrites. The Settle to Carlisle route itself is exquisite and will include truly interactive Driver Sessions to satisfy all users regardless of driving preferences. TC3 is what TC1 should have been, both visually and programmatically and will herald the future destination of Trainz. The modelling is so far beyond TC1 & 2 and the user interaction is presented confidently. Regardless of your country of origin I would encourage you to keep an eye on this release.

What is in store for the future of Trainz will play out over the coming months with TC3 now entrenched as the next "new" thing. It has become abundantly clear what value Auran place on the Trainz Community as recently indicated by both their actions and subsequent statements. The Download Station will no doubt survive and thrive despite any change to the current status of Trainz, TRS or TC.

And now I close another chapter in my life as I head forward into Christmas 2007. Christmas for me has always been a spiritual event to be celebrated with our family and friends. I am blessed with both in abundance and this year will be no different. I am looking forward to what the day will bring and to the what 2008 has in store.

So I will take this opportunity to thank the very special friends I have made in this community for their recent support and well wishes. You know who you are and I thank you for the people you are. To all my Community friends, I wish you the very best for the season and may you experience the best that this time of year brings.

To all, I wish you a Merry Christmas for 2007 and a safe and Happy New Year and if anybody needs me, I'll be in the club car ;)


Hello Lance
Having met you on a couple of occasions and seen first hand the enthusiasm and pride you have shown in Trainz over the years I can say unequivocally that Trainz is a better Sim than it would have been if you had not made such a huge contribution.

I wish you and your family well for Christmas and the New Year. I hope that 2008 will be a good year for you.



P.S. How long is it since you last used your prr001 nickname?:)
Well done Lance, I knew you were activly involved (heavily) in the new Trainz, and what a belter it will be !!

Count me in for 2 copies of TC3 and advance for TC4 !!

Many thanks for your past work and concerns over the Community.

Have an absolutly fantastic Christmas, and we will all see you in the New Year.
Hey Prr001,

Welcome back. Thanks for all your work on the Trainz series. Good luck in '08.

Dear Lance,

I'm really glad to read your post as it shows you're someone strong, even when life doesn't treat you as you deserve it.

Let me wish you and to your family the very best of the very best in 2008.

So, have a wonderful Christmas time.

Greetings to everyone here from Belgium,

Hey Lance, its soo nice to hear from you in such a short space of time. Its also nice to hear that you are surviving since everyone else found out. Anyway, good luck in the future and do come back often to see how we are getting on, we all would be interested to hear where you are in life.
Lance, have a great Christmas mate. :)
Pass on a merry Christmas to your family as well. I never had the chance to meet you, but I still consider you a friend :)
(The guy who supposedly looks like ya :P )
Hi Lance,

Thanks for all your hard work and effort that you have put into Trainz and the Community over the last 4 years, it has been a pleasure working with you as a tester for TC.

Have a Merry Christmas and a good new year, I am sure we have not seen the last of you.

Bet you it feels funny to be back on 'this side of the fence' after all this time... ;)

Cheers... :)
Happy to see you bearing up Jango, many would have been brought to their knees. I wish you and your family the best of Christmas's this year.
To Lance and family...


Let me say thank you to you for your dedication and service to this Trainz Community.

While the recent events in your life have been disturbing to you, your family and the Trainz Community...we know that you personally will survive and grow in the next chapter of your career.

May the joy and happiness of the Christmas season be with you and your family.

Thank you for taking the time to write to us. When you can, please keep us updated.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Good luck Lance with whatever the future holds for you. But for now have a very happy and safe Christmas. Trainz will not seen quite the same for me now knowing you are not somewhere behind the scenes. Driver Geoff.
I'm glad to see that prr001 is back. I'm surprised I remember that alias...

Anyway, I hope you do have a Merry Christmas, plus a Happy New Year, and I will see you at Grandchester.

Howdy Lance! It is good to see the prr001 moniker back online :) It's great to see what a great attitude and strength you are keeping in the face of change. Shows what a strong individual you are, and Trainz is surely better for what you've contributed.

May you and you're family have a Blessed Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

Good news!

Great to know we'll be seeing you around Lance. With luck we can ALL meet later in the club car!:D

now there's a name I've only heard about.
Good to see your still with us Lance!

Merry Christmas from Michigan
It's good to hear that you're enjoying Trainz and hope to see you around the forum. Trainz would no doubt not be what it is today without your efforts. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you and your family and we all wish the very best for the coming year.
and to all your family.
