The Trainz Channel - Twitch TV


The Trainz team has started a new development channel on Twitch TV called The Trainz Channel.

Anyone wanting a list of all previous videos will find them on the wiki HERE

Daily broadcasts consist of content development showing off either internal or 3rd party works, how to's / tutorials and other suggested streaming that the community would like to see. It's a chance for the community to either sit back and hopefully learn a thing or two and also chat amongst themselves and the n3v content creator steaming what they are working on at the time. There is a streaming schedule on the channel to let everyone know what will be streamed for the day. We will also try to remember to post something in this thread when streams are happening.

We are hopeful that it will result in some content creators learning something they didn't know or maybe some of you skilled content creators will teach us a thing or two while watching us work! At the very least it should be an additional place to hang out and chat to content creators in real-time while the stream is going.

You can post in this forum to let us know what you would like to see streamed. Keep in mind priority for what gets streamed will be the most requested topics and any internal development that we are working on.

- Anyone using the chat to post inappropriate comments will be banned.
- We will try and answer any content related questions but not all chat comments will get an answer from N3V. Please don't spam your questions if you don't get answered.

Find all the current videos on our channel by clicking the image below.


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Excellent initiative and a proven way for games developers to drive greater interest and loyalty in their products.
Suggest make them short and sweet and fully of meaty goodness!
@Matt be careful of time differences. Workday down under is ~9pm to 5am EST and they stream it live. If you have access to the PC/TEG forum you'll find some additional comments re saved steams for offline viewing and other suggestions.

Bob Pearson
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Since there's a bit of a time difference between Europe and Australia, I wonder if the streams will be saved so we can watch them later? I really like the idea to get some insight into the development of content for Trainz.

Whats Twit tv anyway. Can we get it here in the UK, I presume it is a internet station.


Hi Bill,

Yes - it is possible to get it in the UK, and it's mainly used for streaming live content from games etc (livestreaming). I've got an account on it as I follow a couple of other Twitch accounts for a couple of other games I've got or have pre-ordered.

Since there's a bit of a time difference between Europe and Australia, I wonder if the streams will be saved so we can watch them later? I really like the idea to get some insight into the development of content for Trainz.


Yes most streams that we do will be saved and made available either through the twitch tv channel or our youtube channel. We will let you know either way so you can find them easily.

I could imagine that this would help to spread publicity about Trainz, as well as giving useful information to present community members. I'll have to look into this, it sounds interesting.
I could imagine that this would help to spread publicity about Trainz, as well as giving useful information to present community members. I'll have to look into this, it sounds interesting.

Yeah, similar somewhat to Trainz on the Road a decade ago!

With the tutorial of making a ground texture and compliant with today's standards, the normal map is the most critical and most time consuming:

1) Take the texture map and make a copy of it.....
2) Make a normal map of the original texture and you will need to experiment with height limits depending upon the given texture......
3) Take the copied texture map and heavily blur the texture......
4) Take the blurred texture map copy and create it into a normal map with a smaller height value.
5) Overlay the copied blurred normal map onto the original normal map in step two and then experiment with blending options so only some areas have a strong height bump map and other areas are smooth or less sharp.....
6) Utilize the blended normal map after saving of course (always use as the alpha) and turn it into a grayscale texture and apply it to the alpha channel.... (the more contrast the higher the specular lighting effects are so you may have to darken the alpha until you get the desired specular lighting)

Normal Map Example:

Texture Map Example:

Utilizing Photoshop Pattern Layers can assist further in providing additional normal map effects.......
Also sorry I was suggesting things but I was attempting to help you get a more non texture patterned normal map and alpha (specular lighting) effects you were hoping to achieve.........
This is not the only way to achieve a great normal map / alpha utilization as specular lighting, but it is a start to lead people into utilizing a method that can give good results.....
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Caught about 10 minutes of this between waking up and having to go to work. Is there a particular problem in saving the session as other Twitch broadcasters seem to manage it without too much trouble?
Perhaps I'm not clear on the concept but when I went to the site, it tells me in the video window the it is off-line. Is this a temporary situation or are the videos only view-able when someone turns them on, i.e streams them? Since it is only on 9am to 6pm AEST, when is the rest of the world supposed to watch? I mean, the Internet is a 24hr operation, no snoozing. If not, I hope the videos will also be on Youtube so I can watch whenever I have the time.
No problems saving, just uploading it to Youtube now and will reference it on the Twitch TV site also.

Trainz - Content Creation - Create a ground texture to match a track spline
Link to this video is HERE

This video explains the process in creating a ground texture (and asset for Trainz) from scratch using the track spline ballast texture. It just so happens it probably hits every single problem known to the trainz world throughout it when it comes to creating a ground texture asset... which could be a good thing as it shows you how to fix all those issues too!

Apologies for the MANY stuff ups in this first Twitch TV stream everyone. There are some very silly mistakes and I think I start to lose my mind near the end (probably from lack of concentration!) but we managed to get there in the end for all those who watched it live.

Note to everyone (including me!)… read the Trainz wiki before you start your own creations no matter what you're creating as all the information is on there usually. It’s been forever since I’ve added a new ground texture to Trainz but once you do it you realise how simple it really is and shouldn't take 1.5 hours to do :)

Hope you enjoy the first of many saved Twitch TV streams and I’m sure as we go there will be many more hiccups in our videos but that is the fun of doing it on the fly and unprepared!

Enjoy… and for all those wanting to catch us on The Trainz Channel you can find us on Twitch TV

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