As a break from my normal North America and Australia activities, occasionally I spend a few moments rummaging around on European Trainz sites to see what the rest of the civilized world is doing.
A short time ago I discovered this German "Railion" locomotive, which compares more than favorably with best anywhere, and used it in a session for PortSwitching:
A couple of nights back I was browsing Russian sites. There is some excellent material, and at the moment I'm packaging a session for RiversideRailroad.
"RussiansAreComing" does require external downloads:
Locos: 2M62U-0073.cdp
8-axle tank cars:
Flat cars:
The rar files from the Russian sites can be unpacked using WinZip 11 or better, or IZArc. Please do not be discouraged by this. These are outstanding items of rolling stock. Trust me, it is well worth the effort of downloading, unpackaging and installing.
The session runs like this:
Dispatcher here. Vladimir and Yuri, thanks for your help in commissioning the rolling stock we purchased from the former USSR. Before you leave, if I could ask one more favour – a couple of gondolas have jumped the track at Silos and there is an urgent need for furnace oil at Fingers Foundry.
You should assemble the consist in the order locomotives, empty ballast hoppers, tank cars, cranes and match trucks, and flat cars. Make sure the flat cars are loaded with replacement rails and sleepers from the MoW depot.
Head south to Silos, unload the rails and sleepers and position the cranes to help with re-railing of the gondolas and repair of the track.
Head south, leave the tank cars in the fuel spur at Fingers and swap the empty ballast hoppers for loaded ones at the Bulk Terminal at Lys. Return with the ballast hoppers to Silos.
If you are running close to time, go light engine to Lys Loco where I will arrange a relief crew. Otherwise return the crane, match trucks and flats to MoW Diaspar.
Class 1 railroad trains will be running at 4 minute intervals.
You are authorised to travel at up to 45mph except in yard areas where normal limits apply.
You are authorised to stop when necessary for locomotive purposes.
As with all my sessions, maps and a readme are included in the folder containing the session.
The starting point is Diaspar, the main activity at Silos, with a run through to Lys:
In pictorial form the session runs something like this ---
In the early morning light, climb aboard and refuel the locomotives at Diaspar Loco Depot:
Attach the loaded 8-axle tank cars standing at the Conoco Terminal:
Collect the empty ballast hoppers at Alans's Multifunctional; these hoppers are incredibly well detailed, down to the actuating levers and pipes:
A short time ago I discovered this German "Railion" locomotive, which compares more than favorably with best anywhere, and used it in a session for PortSwitching:

A couple of nights back I was browsing Russian sites. There is some excellent material, and at the moment I'm packaging a session for RiversideRailroad.
"RussiansAreComing" does require external downloads:
Locos: 2M62U-0073.cdp
8-axle tank cars:
Flat cars:
The rar files from the Russian sites can be unpacked using WinZip 11 or better, or IZArc. Please do not be discouraged by this. These are outstanding items of rolling stock. Trust me, it is well worth the effort of downloading, unpackaging and installing.
The session runs like this:
Dispatcher here. Vladimir and Yuri, thanks for your help in commissioning the rolling stock we purchased from the former USSR. Before you leave, if I could ask one more favour – a couple of gondolas have jumped the track at Silos and there is an urgent need for furnace oil at Fingers Foundry.
You should assemble the consist in the order locomotives, empty ballast hoppers, tank cars, cranes and match trucks, and flat cars. Make sure the flat cars are loaded with replacement rails and sleepers from the MoW depot.
Head south to Silos, unload the rails and sleepers and position the cranes to help with re-railing of the gondolas and repair of the track.
Head south, leave the tank cars in the fuel spur at Fingers and swap the empty ballast hoppers for loaded ones at the Bulk Terminal at Lys. Return with the ballast hoppers to Silos.
If you are running close to time, go light engine to Lys Loco where I will arrange a relief crew. Otherwise return the crane, match trucks and flats to MoW Diaspar.
Class 1 railroad trains will be running at 4 minute intervals.
You are authorised to travel at up to 45mph except in yard areas where normal limits apply.
You are authorised to stop when necessary for locomotive purposes.
As with all my sessions, maps and a readme are included in the folder containing the session.
The starting point is Diaspar, the main activity at Silos, with a run through to Lys:

In pictorial form the session runs something like this ---
In the early morning light, climb aboard and refuel the locomotives at Diaspar Loco Depot:

Attach the loaded 8-axle tank cars standing at the Conoco Terminal:

Collect the empty ballast hoppers at Alans's Multifunctional; these hoppers are incredibly well detailed, down to the actuating levers and pipes: